3.5 – Derivatives of Trig Functions

The two main Trigonometric Derivatives that you will need to know are: d(sinx)/dx=cosx d(cos)/dx=-sinx However there are several others (tanx, cotx, secx, cscx) that are also useful to memorize. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions (cr: Organic Chemistry Tutor) You will see functions that look like: sin2x and may wonder how to derive/solve these. We will be…

3.2- Evaluating Derivatives (Power Rule)

Power rule: If f(x)= 2x² then f'(x)= 2*2x²⁻¹->4x. Very fun rule! You will be using this as the basis to use product, quotient, chain rules and solve various other complicated derivatives. Sum and Difference Rule: Utilizing the power rule, if f(x)=2x² + 3x⁴ then, f'(x)= 4x +12x³, essentially power ruling each term. Derivatives – Power…

5.15- Introduction to Differential Equations and Separation of Variables

Here you will separated variables into their derivatives and then integrating them. These are indefinite integrals so you will need the variable “c” on the “x variable” side of the equation. Separable First Order Differential Equations – Basic Introduction (cr: Organic Chem Tutor) NOTE: Sometimes after integrating 1/y you will end up with a natural…

5.14- Volume by Rotation

Good visualization website: https://www.geogebra.org/m/Fayr3trM Disc Method: Given a function, we rotate this around the x-axis (or y-axis), creating multiple discs/circles from the start to the end of the functions. Summing up the area of these circles (recall: πr²). Volume of the Solid of Revolution, the Disc Method (cr: Blackpen Redpen) Washer Method: This is similar…