English First People’s 11 Core Competencies


My comparison essay discussing the differences and similarities between Charlie and Ray was a good example of how my thinking and ability to support my thinking increased throughout the semester

Core Competency

Critical and Reflective Thinking: I can analyze evidence to make judgements.

I have demonstrated the “Thinking” competency in this artifact when I had to compare and contrast the characters, Charlie and Ray, from the two different stories. To do this I considered the evidence. What did they say to different people and about different issues. How did they act towards different people. How did they change throughout their respective stories and why did that change happen. By asking these questions I was able to figure out how Charlie and Ray were similar and how they were different.

Lab 19C

During the lab me and Brandon displayed the communication core competency. We displayed the communication by delegating tasks to each other so that we both knew what we had to do for the lab to be completed. We also communicated after the lab to spread out the cleaning duties and to make sure that we both had all of the data for all of the boxes in the table.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Thinking Competency

I used the Thinking Competency, and more specifically the critical and reflective thinking part of this competency during and after our Cell Membrane diffusion lab.

During the lab I made a hypothesis about which molecules would diffuse. To make a good educated guess I had to critically think about which molecules in the solutions were big and not likely to fit through the microscopic holes in the semi-permeable membrane.

After the lab I had to think reflectively to make my conclusion. I reflected on what could have been done better in the lab, any changes we could make in the lab and anything that could make the lab more effective in helping me understand different mathematical applications to the principals of diffusion in the lab. I also thought critically to provide and explain the points that supported and did not support the hypotheses that I made.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Core Competency

Critical and Reflective Thinking

Our criminal justice system should be more punitive. I think that it should especially make people do more community service. People commit crimes maybe because they don’t have enough money or don’t have another option available to them. If you make punishments for crimes larger, then you would discourage people from doing crimes and make people more thoughtful and careful when they’re living.

Rehabilitation is also important though and if you don’t give people skills for life, then they have a higher chance of committing a crime because they know how to do it, and increasing the punishment would be in vain.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements – In this assignment, I looked at the pros and cons of making our criminal justice system more punitive or rehabilitative. I was able to make a judgement on which we needed to do.

Titration Lab

Communication (specifically collaboration)

During our titration lab I demonstrated the core competency: communication. In the lab I collaborated with my partner. We set up different parts of the lab and each washed out one of the measuring devices (pipette and buret). We also took turns filling the pipette and adding drops of the NaOH into the Erlenmeyer Flask. During the lab we also collaborated to calculate a few things like how much NaOH we used and at what volume of NaOH should we add drops and half-drops, instead of pouring the NaOH fast. We also collaborated on cleaning up.

The final thing we collaborated on was the post-lab questions. We checked with each other to make sure that we were doing them correctly.

The tools used for titration

NM/SL 10 – Hunger Games Trailer Reflection

My Opinion of the Novel

The book is an interesting one. It is a dystopian novel, although it has, classic, fantasy undertones. I say this because in most high fantasy books, some seemingly insignificant person (who happens to be the main character) ends up being thrust into some grand (or scary or thrilling) adventure. This happens in many great books, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and The Eye of the World. (Though now that I say it, most good books start this way). Not many countries in the world right now fit the dystopian theme if you look at them at face value. Pretty much only like North Korea and maybe Ukraine. But what really characterizes a dystopia is the suffering going on, and I think today there’s a lot of people with hidden suffering. A lot of internal turmoil. I think that this caused mainly by our technology and how it can spread ideas. Whereas a lot of the turmoil in the districts in Panem is caused by the lack of access to technology. For example, they don’t have electricity all the time, they don’t have a water boiler, there are basically no jobs that can be provided because there is an abundance of technology and so most people have to work physically draining jobs to buy food, and they can’t really buy a lot of food with it, so many die of starvation. (I’ve written too much so I’m going to stop now)

How our trailer conveys the themes

Our trailer conveys a few different themes that are found in the book. The trailer (tries to) convey love. (We’re not very good actors and didn’t have too much time for a lot of takes because we tried to do a variety). We do this through showing scenes of Katniss and Prim which shows that they love each other, and gives Katniss a real reason and desperation to win and go back to her family. It also shows the connection between Katniss and Prim (and therefore the theme “trust”), which helps you empathize with Katniss, and want to see what happens to her. We also allude to the theme love with clips from Gale and Katniss interacting and Peeta and Katniss interacting. Throughout the trailer we also convey the theme of survival by showing different people running after one another in the forest. These people running makes us assume that something bad is going to happen when one person or whatever else is chasing them catches up to them. This survival theme is also shown when Ryan almost falls on me.

How the Curricular Competencies are Shown

We showed a few different Curricular Competencies during this project.

Thinking I wrote most of the script so I had to figure out how to make a trailer. It took me a lot of the weekend because writing creatively usually takes me a long time, because I have to think of new ideas and that takes me a while. I watched a couple videos on guidelines on how to make a trailer . We all watched the trailer together as well, so when we were brainstorming scene ideas we had to make sure we weren’t subconsciously copying the trailer. We also did a lot of creative thinking to find good parts of the book to include that would be interesting but also actually possible to fill.

Communicating – We communicated during the brainstorming process. This was through talking about our ideas, listening to each other and giving our thoughts about each other’s ideas. We also communicated about which props we’d need, who would bring them and who would do each role. I tried to communicate to my group mates about what scenes we were going to do using the script but that didn’t really work.

Personal/Social – Part of the reason we didn’t really follow the script was because I didn’t want to come across as a control freak or a jerk. It could just also be that I don’t really like confronting people very much. Which is definitely something that I’m going to have to do in the future, so I’m going to have to get better at that.

French 10 Skits

One of the core competencies that me and my partner showed when we did our script was presenting. This is part of the Communicating Core Competency. We presented our ideas to each other then presented the our skit to the teacher. This is a very important Core Competency to learn because in life you will need to present many different things in your life to other people. Some people’s job is literally just presentation (teaching being an example).

CPR Reflection

My learning of CPR

CPR dummy

CPR Reflection

A) I didn’t know the how do do CPR, I’d also have never guessed that we’d have a specific timing for the chest compressions.

B) The key takeaway of the CPR unit is that now we know how to do CPR and could possibly save someone’s life.

C) During this unit we learned about which foods to eat to try and prevent getting a heart attack. This relates to the nutrition unit because in the nutrition unit we learned about which foods were good/bad for our heart.

Core Competency Reflection

One of the ways I can see using this learning to help others is by using this knowledge to save someone’s life, or to tell others about warning signs so they could know when someone else is in danger and they need to call 911

One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on what we are supposed to do is to listen to the instructions and ask if anything was confusing.

One lesson that stimulated my thinking about the importance of CPR was when we learned that CPR could happen to anyone at anytime if you’re unlucky enough, which is kind of scary. Also, this made me realize that although my Grandparents are healthy, they’re at risk of having a heart attack, so knowing CPR might come in handy, but I hope it doesn’t.

Core-Competency Self Assessment


Final Version
Draft Version

I can analyze evidence to make judgements

To organize the different buttons into a dichotomous key you need to analyze what differing features there are in the different buttons, and then see which features you should group together, or which features to separate. The whole activity was just analyzing evidence to make judgments.