Core Competency Self Assessment

I can experiment with different ways of doing things

I can monitor my progress and adjust my actions to make sure I achieve what I want

I get ideas when I play. My ideas are fun for me and make me happy

One project that I have done this semester in my drafting and design 11 course is the house project. I am currently working on this project in a program called Chief Architect. This project is quite fun for me, I have enjoyed being able to plan, design and furnish my own house. Even though I enjoyed this project, it didn’t come without some challenges. The challenges first started when I was trying to figure out how to use this program as this is the first time I have ever used it. Although, since I like to play around when I’m learning new programs, it came pretty quickly. Once I got to the point where I could navigate the program, my ideas came flowing through my head with different ideas of how I could design the house. The next challenge came when I was trying to make the stairs. The problem first started when I tried to place the stairs. When I tried placing them in the 2D, floor plan view, and then checked it in the 3D view, the stairs wouldn’t connect with the top floor. With some adjustments and watching tutorials, I was able to make it work. As a whole I have enjoyed making this project. There was lots of freedom with how I wanted to design it. If I were to do this in the future, there would be a few things that I could change but not many.

Drafting and Design 11 Self-Assessment

One assignment that was quite challenging for me was the furniture project. This project took lots of time and thinking. In this project we built a cabinet on sketch up and then I had to draw it out and dimension it on Auto Cad. Creating the cabinet on sketch up wasn’t too difficult but as I moved over to auto cad it got quite challenging. The reason for the auto cad portion being tough was because I had to accurately draw a two-dimensional representation every detail of the cabinet in three separate drawings. Although this project was challenging, I thought I did quite well, and I learned a lot from it. If I were to do this project again, the only thing that I would do differently is the design of the cabinet.

I can analyze evidence from different perspectives

I can experiment with different ways of doing things

I generate ideas as I pursue new interests

The Crucible Essay English 12

            The purpose of this essay is to create a better understanding of the characters in The Crucible for the reader. Many of the characters in this play behave in a way that can be quite confusing for the reader. By using Kohlberg’s moral perceptions, the reader can get a much better understanding for the motivation behind the characters actions. This essay will look at three different categories of Kohlberg’s moral perceptions and use them to illustrate each characters thought process. These three categories are pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional.

There are many pre-conventional characters in the Crucible. Pre-conventional characters behave in such a way that allows them to obtain reward and avoid punishment. To begin, the Crucible starts off with a group of girls dancing in a forest. This resulted in the girls getting caught and getting in trouble. A short time later Betty and Abby are in a room together while Abby is yelling at Betty saying, “shut it! Shut it!”. This quote is a pre-conventional example as Abigail is trying to stop Betty from saying that she drank blood that night when they were partying in the woods. Subsequently Abby falsely accused Tituba of being the reason for all the girls dancing in the woods. As a result Reverend Parris tells her “You will confess yourself or I will take you out and whip you to your death”. Because of Abigail’s accusation, Tituba was forced to confess to avoid punishment. Afterwards, in the Procter home, Elizabeth has made dinner for John. There is tension between the two as Elizabeth knows that John has been with Abigail. Therefore John tries to ease the tension by saying “if the crop is good, I’ll buy George Jacobs heifer”. Luckily for John, his attempt to ease the tension between the two of them worked and he was able to avoid the punishment of Elizabeth getting angry at him. To conclude, The Crucible has many pre-conventional characters and there are many instances in the story where they can be found.

There are many conventional characters in The Crucible. Conventional characters behave in a certain way to fit in and be accepted by the group. In act two, John and Elizabeth Procter are having a discussion and Elizabeth is telling John that he should confess to the court that he had an affair with Abigail. John then tells Elizabeth “I will think on it”. This quote from John shows that he is more concerned about his reputation in the town than doing what is right. Later in act 3, during the court case, the girls are suspects of witchcraft. Mercy Lewis along with all the other girls, copied Marry Warren as she said, “Abby you mustn’t”. The reason for Mercy Lewis copying Marry was so she could fit in with all the other girls and not be seen as the odd one out. Immediately after, in the same court case, all the other girls copy Abby as she screams “praise god”. They all do this as they believe that it is their best chance get through the situation and maintain acceptance from the group. To summarize, The Crucible has many conventional characters and there are many instances in the story where they can be found.

There are many post-conventional characters in The Crucible. You behave in a way that reflects and internalize some of right and wrong. This sense of morality cannot be affected by reward, punishment, or group acceptance. At the beginning of the play, Betty shows post conventional behavior by saying “You drank blood, Abby, you didn’t tell him that”. This is an example as she is sticking up to Abby without caring about how it will affect her. Much later in the play, Giles Corey is getting tortured by being pressed. This was used to get him to give up a name and confess to witchcraft. He doesn’t confess and instead says “more weight”. This shows his true character and that he cannot be affected by reward, punishment, or group acceptance. Immediately after Giles Corey’s death, Rebecca Nurse is being told to confess to witchcraft. She says, “It is a lie how many I damn myself”. This quote shows that she stays true to herself and has no concern for what others are thinking. To sum up, The Crucible has many post-conventional characters and there are many instances in the story where they can be found.

            This paper has made it evident that the characters within this play act in strange and confusing ways. However, by breaking it down and using a direct quote from each character and demonstrating the motivations, their behaviour, and the reasons behind it have become clear. Kohlberg is a reliable vehicle that aids the reader in better understanding the play and human nature in general. This essay as achieved what it was created for, which was to give the reader a better understanding of the characters and literature as a whole.

Metal Work – Core Competencies

In Mr Petersons welding 12 class, there are lots of instances where I had to use critical, reflective and creative thinking. Right now I am making a giant sign that is shaped like a heart. It will be going up at Lafarge Lake soon. One time where I had to reflectively think with this project is when I was designing the shape of the heart. During the design portion I had to use all of the prior knowledge that I have to be able to design the heart on a program called Fusion 360. Designing the heart meant I had to do a lot of creative thinking. It took quite a while as I had to come up with ideas for how it looks, proper dimensions as well as how to make it structurally strong. Critically thinking is probably one of the most important parts of this project. This is because if anything went wrong, I would need to find a way to fix it. Luckily, not much went wrong during the making of this project although while welding it together, the heat caused it to warp a bit but we were able to correct it. This project ended up being very successful and turned out very well. If it didn’t turn out well then I’d probably find a flaw in how I designed it and try to fix that. I am very proud of how this project turned out and I was lucky to have people help with the building portion.

Heart Sign Result
Signs before being painted

Core Competency Goals

Some short/ long term goals for myself include… and my plan to achieve them is… (include where you might seek help from others

A short term goal that I have for myself is get better at welding. The reason why this is a goal of mine is because I am going to BCIT next semester for their Metal Fabrication program. I won’t need help from many people for me to achieve this goal. I will just need to practice welding a lot this year.

Some of my traits/ skills that make me a leader in the area of metal work include…

Some traits and skills that I have that make me a leader in metal work is knowing my way around the shop, knowing how to use most of the tools, being kind, approachable and helping others when I notice that they need some help. These traits and skills have helped me a lot when helping others in the metal shop. Many of these traits/skills are transferable to many other situations.

What are you strengths and stretches?

One strength my perseverance. I don’t give up on things when I start things. This is something that I have always had as my mom always taught me it. One stretch for me is that I am not good at critical thinking. It takes me a long time to think of stuff whether it be for English class or just coming up with random ideas. This is something that I hope to get better at in the future.

Core Competency Self Assessment

Collaborating, Communicating, Creative Thinking

Create Your Own Civilization Project

For this core competency self assessment I decided to do collaborating, communicating, and creative thinking. The project that I chose to do was the create your own civilization project. I did this project with my bestfriend Michael. The format of this project was in a video. This was very different for us as we never make projects in the form of videos. For this reason it is a great example of creative thinking, communicating as well as collaborating. I was lucky with my partner as we worked very well together which made it very to complete this project. We thought of extremely creative ideas for our project. We thought of a civilization no other person would create.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Positive, Personal and Cultural Identity

The project that I decided was a good choice for this assignment was the residential schools project. This project was a new concept for me as I have never done a voice over before. The process for this project went very well as my partner Michael and I were very organized and swift. I enjoyed this project a lot as we didn’t need to present. Our project on residential schools had a lot to do with personal and cultural identity. The whole project was about picking a residential school and how that school has affected so many lives. The purpose of residential schools was to strip the native peoples culture away from them. This was a very negative time for indigenous people. The personal and cultural impacts on these residential school survivors are massive.

Independent Novel Study Review

The Maze Runner

The Writing Process

For this project I read the Maze Runner. This was a great book as it was very enjoyable to read. The process for this project went very well for me as I was able to find the audiobook which helped me a lot when reading. I also did the written portion while I was reading. This made the whole project much easier and less stressful as it left less work to do at the end. While reading the book I was quite surprised with how many differences there were than the movie. This project was much better than I anticipated at the start as it was much less stressful than I expected.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in…

My presentation from the book report is a good example of how I can communicate clearly. This is because when I presented I felt like I was pretty clear when speaking, kept my points simple to understand and I made lots of eye contact with the audience.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I tend to take a break from whatever I’m doing. This helps me calm down and clear my head.

I show others that I truly value their contributions by…

One way that I show others that I value their contributions is by listening to what they are saying with all my attention and then giving some good feedback weather it’s what I thought they could do better or say what I liked.

An example of where I took a significant risk in my thinking or the expected process was when…

I want to work on this goal because I tend to not take many risks while doing my projects. One way that I will try and achieve this goal is when I am thinking of how to do a project, I will experiment with different ways that other people may not be doing.

Core Competency Self-Assessment Comparative Cultures


This project is a great example of to show collaboration. The project involved reading a document and answering questions. This is a good example of collaboration because we split the work amongst us evenly. Each person read one page of the document and answered as many questions as they could. After everyone was done we would all go through it together and fill out the rest of the information. This method worked for us very well as we were able to get all of the information. It was also very equal between everyone as we all had the same amount of work to do. The only thing that didn’t work out to well was that it was a bit disorganized. Next time to improve I will make some notes while reading.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Reflection on Collaboration and Conflict Resolution


Addressing Core Competencies:

· I recognize that there are different points-of-view, and I can disagree respectfully.

· I can work with others to achieve a common goal. I do my share.

How well do you think that you collaborate with others?

I think that I collaborate with others very well.

What is your current approach to resolving conflicts?

Collaborating or accommodating

What could you do to improve your conflict resolution skills?

Identify specific points of disagreement.

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