Music Monday “LAND” Map Assignment: Self- Assessment

Curricular Response

“The sign was painted, said ‘private property’. But on the backside, it didn’t say nothing.” and the photo was my drawing of the signs. I chose this to represent the ‘hidden’ bias between Canadians and Indigenous people. It represents how it is private property on land that was not originally theirs. It provides a realization how someone claims land to be theirs however it was never really theirs to begin with. It shows a divide between a country and its people.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

How did you select images and words to create meaning? What this easy for you? Why or why not?

I tried to use quotes that has metaphors attached to them so it would be easier to draw images with symbolism. Although I found quotes too with literal images associated to add to the map. This was a little difficult for me because I find it challenging to find hidden meaning in text. However I consulted with peers and came up with ideas to implement in my own map. Overall I’m happy with how my map, quotes and images turned out.


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