English 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment.



This is Romeo’s Instagram profile, I used a lot of creative and critical thinking to complete this project. I did this by using the competency of thinking. I used creative thinking to explore new ideas of how would Romeo use Instagram and what he would post. Thinking of different things to post on his story and use as highlights. I used Critical thinking to refer back to the original story and make sure all the events line up in the correct order. I also used my creative thinking skills to make up the small details of the post like the location, captions, likes and comments.

Favourite Recipe

Greek Week

The Final Plate

Making and Sharing Reflection

For this Greek Week recipe we had to make many elements to create a full dinner. I liked the challenge of making some things I’ve never made before while creating a food product by incorporating feedback from others. I used this when replicating the dish from the recipe and taking the feedback from Ms. Bolli by making the pan hotter. I assessed my ability to work effectively both individually and collaboratively. When I worked with my partners especially hard to create the pita bread since it didn’t want to stay in a bigger circle shape but we problem solved and eventually got it to stay in a decently large circle. The final result of the plate was colourful to look at and filling to eat. In the end the dish was very cohesive which is reflective of how my group and I worked to create it.

Prompts used:

  1. Create a food product, incorporating feedback from self, others, and prototype testing.
  2. Assess their ability to work effectively both individually and collaboratively, including their ability to share and maintain an efficient co-operative workspace.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in when I communicated to my group members to keep organized and complete the task at hand. This is because it was our first lab as a group and we had to communicate what we were doing since we haven’t cooked with each other before.

As an active listener, I notice that I can really work efficiently with my group when we all are communicated and listening to each other. I think I was successful with this skill as well with my group.

I show others that I truly value their contributions by complimenting them on whatever skill or task they have completed. Or I admire their work that they have done and give positive comments.

My goal is to improve on is while working in the kitchen, I help to build and extend understanding. I will do this by asking more questions to my group members and classmates. As well as ask Ms. Bolli and do research on topics I want more clarity on.

English 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Communication (Collaboration)

My Artifact: Scout Body Biography

In my Scout Body Biography project I used my collaboration skills to help me complete the project. This was a project assigned during our novel study unit, To Kill A Mockingbird. My group included Ashlyn, Sophia and myself. I demonstrated collaboration by making plans with my group members on what we planned to achieve each class. I also showed this by my group and I all working efficiently to complete the project. Our group as a whole was very good at contributing ideas as well as listening to others. In the future I hope to continue on building my collaboration skills in areas such as creativity and coming up with new ideas.

Favourite Recipe


Making and Sharing Reflection

My favourite recipe we have made so far in foods is the frittata. While making this recipe I incorporated feedback given by Ms. Bolli and group members. Tasting this dish while cooking it was good for identifying if there was enough seasoning. I also accomplished this by using different techniques to elevate the flavour. I believe this dish is one of my favourites because you can add so many different vegetables to the dish to elevate it or simplify it to ones preference. If I was to make the frittata again I would add some bell peppers and maybe some basil. Depending on the chef you could also take this dish into different cultures incorporating different ingredients.

Prompts used:

1) Create food product, incorporating feedback from self, others, and prototype testing.

2) Identify and analyze new design possibilities, including how they or others might build on their concept.

Core Competency Reflection

  • The ways I communicate while cooking differ from how I communicate during family events in these ways: In foods I communicate clearly and positively. Giving lots of information and updates on what steps I’m on or completed. During family events I’m not telling people what I’m doing every moment and I talk more jokingly.
  • Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include the persons skill set, their confidence with the task and how efficiently they can complete it.
  • One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to communicate before we start cooking making sure everyone understands the steps. Also by keeping everyone organized by loosely assigning steps to complete.
  • One goal I have for myself is to try as many new foods as possible to expand my palate and see how many foods I actually like but have never heard of. I will do this by taking as many opportunities to try new foods.

Vertical and Horizontal Lines


Example: y=4

The slope of a horizontal line is 0. Because if you use the equation rise/run if the run=0 then you only have a rise value. Therefore if you were to graph it you would only have a y value.






Example: x=4

The slope of a vertical line is Undefined. Because when you use the equation rise/run if the rise value=0 you only have a run value. Therefore if you were to graph it you would only have a x value.







Example: y=7

The equation of a horizontal line is always y=___. This is because there is always the same y value throughout the line. So, if you were asked to plot a horizontal line that went through (2,7) it would be y=7







Example: x=7

The equation of a vertical line is always x=___. This is because there is always the same x value throughout the line. So, if you were asked to plot a vertical line that went through (7,8) it would be x=7






Function/Not a Function

Example: y=2

A horizontal line is a function but not one to one. This is because the line only repeats in the range not the domain. You can also tell from the “vertical line test”.







Example: x=2

A vertical line is not a function. This is because the line repeats in the domain and range. You can also tell by doing the “vertical line test”.








Domain and Range

Example: y=5

The domain and range for a horizontal line is Domain: All Real Numbers Range: =y value. This is due to the line going forever in the domain but staying on the same y value forever.






Example: x=5

The domain and range for a vertical lines is Domain: =x value Range: All Real Numbers. This is due to the line going forever in the range but staying on the same x value forever.