Edward Scissorhands Storyboard.

My Reflection.

Tim Burton, in Edward Scissorhands used Framing and Camera Angles to create an image and set a scene for the audience. For instance when Edward is helping Kim and Jim steal Jim’s parents’ van Edward knows what he is doing isn’t right. Tim Burton helps express to the audience his thoughts and emotions with close-ups of Edward and using camera angles to establish discomfort. In another instance, a medium shot identifies Edward is pure-hearted by showing him fixing a bush before he robs the house. He doesn’t want to be there he just wants to help Kim because he likes her and wants to impress her. Tim Burton shows how Edward puts others before himself showing how much of a people pleaser he is and how he just wants to help people he cares about. Sometimes this leads to him getting used and puts him in bad spots. In the end, Tim Burton indicates how Edward truly is a very kind person who will do anything for the people he cares about. He might get used for other people’s benefit but he will always take the blame over the people he cares about.