Advertisement and Persuasion

My Adverisement


Persuasion and Advertisement Techniques

Our project is trying to persuade you to buy jewelry from our company. The persuasion techniques we used for our advertisement were logical and ethical. We used logic by saying it was 100% real gold and diamonds. We also used ethics by having Kendal Jenner say ”I would wear this on the runaway”, which would make people want to buy our jewelry because Kendal Jenner is a fashion icon and many people look up to her. The advertisement strategies we used in our advertisement were Testimonial and Special Offer. We used testimonials by having Kendal Jenner promote our ad, and we used Special Offer by giving a 10% discount to our consumers who may buy our product.

Core Competencies

I work with others to achieve my goal by working cooperatively with my group and communicating with them.

I take on roles and responsibilities in a group, by doing my share and finishing it.

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear and organized way. In our persuasion project, I made the PowerPoint to be organized and easy to understand so it won’t be confusing for our peers.

I find it easy to be part of a group because we can share our workload, and not stress out about finishing it late because they will be a lot for us to work on it, so we can finish it faster.

I deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop up in my head. I am very into fashion so my group and I made an idea of doing our persuasion project about jewelry.


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