Transforming Parabolas

This is the parabola I was given. (colour red in the graph)
This is the parent function. (colour blue in the graph)
The vertex of the parent function is (0,0). The vertex of the function given is (-1,-4).


The significance of ‘a’ tells you the width and if the parabola opens up or down. If its positive it open up, and if its negative it opens down.

The significance of ‘h’ is to direct you which way to move horizontally. If it’s positive it shifts to the left and if it’s negative it shifts to the right.

The significance of ‘k’ is to direct you which way to move vertically. If it’s positive it shifts upward and if it’s negative it shifts downward.

By looking at the equation I was given, you can see that my parabola shifts to the left (my ‘h‘ value is positive), downwards (my ‘k‘ value is negative), and it opens upwards (‘a’ value). In comparison to the parent function, it’s different because it’s a very simple function. It doesn’t have much information to give, as it doesn’t have a clear ‘a, h, and k‘ value.


I represented the same mathematical idea in multiple ways in this assignment by showing how different parabolas would look with different functions.

I used the words vertical, horizontal, value, and parabola to help demonstrate my understanding by showing which way the parabola would shift. By using the world “value” I was able to use it, so others could understand what letter I’m trying to indicate.

I formatted this information in an organized way by trying to make it simplistic and easy to understand. I used different colours to indicate which parabola is which.


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