Lab 20C Self-Reflection

During the 20C Lab, my partner and I tried to get the perfect titration. In our first two trials we didn’t get the results we wanted, therefore after our second trial we started brainstorming about what we could change. We thought that once the pink took longer to neutralize, we would go slower and lessen the drops we should put into the acid. At our third trial, we eventually got the results we wanted, by communicating to each other clearly and by working together. We worked together by giving each other a “job”. I was responsible for adding the drops, while my partner was responsible for mixing it and the both of us decided how much more of the base we should add.

I can be kind to others, and support others when they need it. I can show this competency during the lab by me being respectful to my partner and another group who’s sharing the same table as us. I’m respectful by having a clean workplace and answering the questions they ask if I can.


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