Core Competency Post Economics 12

What do you do when you disagree with someone in your group or discussion? How did you learn/develop that strategy?

The Assignment I have chosen is the Market Structures Company Profiles, which was done with my partner Bennett. When facing a disagreement in this assignment I decided to hear both our views on the topic and communicate together what we felt best fit in the situation. I learned this strategy through many trials and errors in different group activities. I have learned that hearing out everyone’s views on the topic not only makes people feel good as they are being heard but also makes individuals feel they are contributing. During the assignment, Bennett and I both contributed our own ideas which we combined into detailed responses to answer the questions. We both listened and heard each other’s ideas and then split up the work to complete the assignment to the best of our abilities as a group. In the end, we both received good marks as we learned from each other and worked collaboratively.


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