Life Saving Measures

For the past 2 presentation about naloxone and CPR I have learned a lot about the overdosing and how to use a naloxone kit. during the naloxone presentation I learned many new things, that I had no clue even existed. another take away i had was how the needle doesn’t go into a vein it goes into their the shoulder, butt, or anything with lots of muscles. the biggest takeaway from the naloxone presentation was how the kit only works on Opioids. i really liked how they go around school educating kids on this problem as this is happening everywhere and just knowing this information can save lives one day. this has impacted my life as now i understand the struggles that people go through and can help instead of avoiding them.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze my own beliefs and consider views that do not fit with them.

I can do this when someone is disagreeing with me about my views or beliefs, i can take a step back and hear the other person out then consider what my options are. Instead of disagreeing with them try to deescalate the situation.

GET OUT Paragraph and Writing Goal Assignment: Self-Assessment

Curricular Response

i chose my writing goal from the feedback of other assignments. i chose this as i know i need to work on connecting my evidence to the point. i needed to focus on this as it was hard for me to get my ideas across without being good at connecting what i am saying to the point i am making. i focused on this by making the point i am trying to argue, using evidence to support the point, and then explaining how this evidence connects and supports the point i am making.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

I acted on this by looking at the feedback and seeing what i was doing wrong and where i lost my marks. One thing i need to improve on is pruning my writing as i could get the point across in less words. One way i can do this, is by getting all my ideas across but looking back and pruning the work so i can get the point across with less words. The paragraph 1 and 2 was much harder for me as i had to get all my ideas down in a time limit, think about my generalizations, and prune my paragraph. I liked 3rd paragraph much more as i had time to write without being rush, had time to prune, and get feedback to improve my writing.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Core Competency

Should our criminal justice system be more punitive or rehabilitative? Why?

I feel our justice system should be more punitive because many other countries have much more punitive punishments, which has lower the crime rates in those countries heavily. Another reason is that out justice system is based on rehabilitation which is good for the criminals as they get another chance but the citizens who are following the law are more likely in danger if the criminals are not rehabilitated.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements

I did this when we had the assignment on OJ Simpson, we watched the Netflix documentary and gathered all the evidence from the film and wrote a few paragraphs for the defense and the crown. After the paragraphs we used the evidence to see who we think the murder was.

Core competency goals

One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to include everyone in the group and make sure the group is actively participating. I have trouble staying on task if the group is not collaborating together, I will work on this by trying to get everyone talking, sharing ideas, and collaborating together so we stay focused and achieve our goal.

Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationships are keeping in touch with friends and family so it’s easier to talk to them later on. I do need to work on maintaining my relationships with friends and family as I don’t make much time for them due to all the activities I have. One way I can work on this is by making more time for others so I can maintain those relationships.

How do you learn best?

I learn best when the teacher is teaching in an engaging way where the kids need to be engaged for the lesson to go on. I have a problem with staying on task when the teacher asks many questions it helps me stay more engaged and focused. I also learn more when I’m working in groups as every one is discussing the task which makes everyone more engaged and learns from eachother.

Group Work In Math

Pros and Cons of group work

The pros of group work is that everyone can share there ideas and thoughts to collaborate and achieve a final goal more effectively. The cons of group work is people could take advantage of the group and make others do more than their suppose to.

Core Competencies

One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to ask everyone for there ideas and collectively come up with a plan that everyone is okay with.

If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to ask everyone for there ideas because it could be a disagreement on what the group is working on or how much each person is working, I find the best way to avoid disagreements is to split the work fair among the group members.

I know the group is working well together when I hear/ see the group working hard and sharing their ideas with each other to help benefit the over all assignment.

If I notice the group is stuck or confused that’s a sign that my group needs help and we can get support by asking other classmates or help from the teacher.

What I’ve learned

I’ve learned that group work is a very effective way to learn as many people get together to share there ideas and all contribute to the same goal. The key is to communicate with each other.

I’ve also learned that it’s better to share your ideas with your group even if you think it’s not a good one or the group won’t like it cause It could change someone else’s idea or inspire someone to come up with a different idea.

Core Competency

I can make choices that help me meet my wants and needs and increase my feelings of well-being. I showed this last week as I was not in a good mood because I was very behind on homework, so I called off work on Sunday. So, I could catch up on homework and not have many things to worry about all the time. Which made me feel less stressed, more aware I should put school first, and made my mental health a lot better. 

I can recognize my strengths and take responsibility for using strategies to focus, manage stress, and accomplish my goals. I will do more of my work in class, so I am less stressed when I have homework and work the same day. I will also use strategies to focus like taking brakes in between lessons for my body to stretch. Another way could be getting a fidget toy, so I am not always fidgeting, off task, or talking to someone. 

Proud of Power



A) Yes, I found a problem with Coca-Cola. I was able to find it because I researched Problems with Coca-Cola and I saw the difference between coca-cola back then and now and becuase I’m a child and I drink about cola-cola I already had some solutions in mind.

B) I built it with a lot of imagination. Yes, I was able to think about how I wanted my innovation to look like before the solution. Yes, I was able to dream about the future and identify the solutions through the process.

C) Yes, I was satisfied with the result of the design and solutions.

D) I would try to remove sugar from the drink and make it taste the same.

My Science Project