R4 – School Life

School in Japan is much more sophisticated compared to Canada. They have more policies, responsibilities in place along with different learning structure in high school. Instead of having electives, you take higher level of certain subjects for certain career paths. For example, you’d take a higher level of Science to focus on the medical field. As well, Japan assigns responsibilities to students such as cleaning duty or journal entries for what the class did. I believe that we could implement this at Centennial as it would build on student’s good habits and make them accountable. There is usually a mess in classrooms and having cleaning duty mandatory assigned to a different student each day would ensure the next group of students have a clean learning environment. I believe that a uniform policy that Japan uses is beneficial as it may prevent issues such as students bullying other students for what they wear. If this were implemented at Centennial it’d likely cause a lot of negative feedback but in the long run there would be a lot of benefits; such as building on students responsibility, wearing appropriate attire, and make all students equal in some way. Japan ensures students join a club/team which Centennial should also enforce as it may help students build communication skills and be more social. This is beneficial for post-secondary and in the work place. Overall, Japan is much more old-school compared to Canada, but it has more policies and responsibilities that are beneficial for students!

Core Competency Self-Reflection: Calculus 12

After completing the Derivatives unit, we had to quickly move on to Integrals which was initially difficult to grasp the concept of. During our in-class problems, I was unable to solve them and had struggled with comprehending the new ideas. With that in mind, I considered watching YouTube videos of the topics made by Organic Chemistry Tutor. The videos were insightful and straight to the point while allowing the viewer to practice the questions on screen themselves before he explains each step. I used my new understanding of the concepts to solve the problems. The two problems above were initially difficult but now are very simple to me. I am not strong in critical thinking and often give up on more difficult problems, however I believe that I can grow as a critical thinker in mathematics by practicing and answering less complex problems before instantly approaching challenge questions in the math textbook.

R3 – Japanese Mascots

Mascot Information

Name: Domo-kun

Prefecture: Tokyo Prefecture

Reason For Popularity: The popularity of Domo-kun likely comes from it’s common appearances at retail outlets, video games, and stop-motion animation. It was a fun yet simple mascot which is why it was a great mascot for all ages. As a matter of fact, it was so popular that even in North America it was well-known and was even apart of my childhood which is why I chose it!

Image of Domo-kun (Sourced from Supplyepic.com)

Japanese mascots are meaningful to citizens and hold values to them! This separates them from mascots we often see in Canada; with most of them being animals that are commonly chosen for their contributions in generating money. These type of mascots simply hold zero value for most Canadian citizens. Now, in Japan all their official mascots hold a lot of meaning whether it’s their culture, tourism, or representation of the prefecture.

Mascots are likely popular in Japan for several reasons. They are, in most cases, fun, playful, and joyful mascots that can be considered “role models” for a lot of children. They influence a lot of different things in prefectures such as the economy! Mascots were inspirational figures for a lot of the youth in Japan which is likely why they are held to such a high standard. Although this is true for Japan, it is significantly different for Canada. Our mascots simply hold no meaning to a majority of the population and as stated before, are commonly just animals that had a small degree of importance in Canadian history. As for my own opinion, I believe that Canada should somewhat follow in Japan’s footsteps and have personalized mascots for each province. This could help in a multitude of ways such as boosting tourism rates, the economy, and having a figure that can be looked up to by the youth.

Below is a mascot that I believe would fit Coquitlam or the surrounding cities! Agriculture is booming towards the East which is why this little guy would fit the image. Having something that relates to the community and has a fun and welcoming character is beneficial in order to have mascots like Japan.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

Question: About 90% of the world’s currency exists on computers. The rest is physical cash.What could be some potential outcomes from such a large percentage of our currency being digital?

Response: Having a large percentage of the world’s currency stored digitally could lead to potential security hazards. Having everything digital means that if an internet outbreak were to happen then many citizens would not be able to buy necessary things for a day or up to a few weeks. Recently, there was an incident with Rogers in Canada which led to a majority of the population being unable to use debit cards. On a side note, having 90% of the world’s currency digital means that a rise in other currencies such as crypto will happen. Because of the technology behind it, many people and businesses are starting to use crypto currency more often. There are both benefits and consequences to this, however for the most part it is convenient and effective for businesses and people around the world. For example, being able to pay for your groceries with a tap of your debit/credit card or phone which makes it easier for the consumer and workers. There are certainly more potential outcomes from out currency being digital but we’ll know for sure in the near future!

I can examine evidence from various perspectives to analyze and make well-supported judgments about and interpretations of complex issues. Based on my response above, I have considered different perspectives individuals have about the world’s currency being digital. Examples are included in my analysis which provides support to my judgements and gives credibility to my reasoning. I’ve gone in-depth in my response in order to ensure that the reader isn’t left with missing details. This is crucial when analyzing information from different perspectives. To analyze information in various perspectives you need an understanding or experience from those different perspectives. My friends, family, and I were all affected in various ways from currency being digital which has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding and real world experience. That’s allowed me to truly analyze the question in two different perspectives in a fair and unbiased manner.

R2 – ようかい

Kyōkotsu was the Yokai I’ve chosen to have reflect upon. This specific Yokai was chosen as I did find it intriguing that it is formed from bones that were improperly disposed of by being tossed down a well. This was interesting to me as this creation story is very sorrow and saddening. There could be so many of these Yokai around because of how much of a common occurrence improperly disposing corpses are.

Whether it’s the ghostly body or skeletal face, this Yokai is one that doesn’t let go of grudges! They are driven solely by their hunger for vengeance and care for nothing else. The Kyōkotsu is like any other ghost as it passes their grudge on to those they come into contact with. They are a passive Yokai which only becomes aggressive if disturbed when resting at the bottom of its well. The name Kyōkotsu originates from violence & fury. The translation to English is “crazy bones” which correlates to it’s skeletal figure.

Japanese Yokai are completely different creatures compared to Western monsters and mythical creatures. Yokai are spirits or entities. These are an independent existence which does not have a materialized body such as Western monsters and mythical creatures. They are actual demons and creatures which have a materialized body and exist in the real world. However, they have similarities such as mischievous behavior towards humans which categorizes both of them as monsters.

With all of the information provided above my standpoint on the existence of these creatures has not changed prior to this research; which is that I simply do not believe in these creatures. If they truly existed they could easily wipe the existence of mankind. They are simply conceptual beings created by humans which have been used in many forms; this includes, but is not limited to, tales, books, scaring children, or simply for interest. There has been no scientific or video recorded evidence of what these creatures truly look like or the events of their mischievous behavior towards humans. Although I do not believe in these creatures, I am still deeply interested in their origins and stories!

R1 – うらない

Believing in horoscopes, blood type, and personality tests is not a smart decision. Personally, I do not believe in them whatsoever. There is no scientific evidence that these methods of determining who you are as a person are accurate. In the current society, there is a lot of fake information and articles being fed to gullible individuals. It’s likely that these fortunes are still relevant in today’s society because of how it seems to relate to people. The descriptions and characteristics given by each fortune is quite broad and can be applicable for so many individuals. In a small scale it seems accurate but once you do research and the data collected from thousands of people then the results are very different. Once it becomes a “trend” people want to bandwagon as it allows them to be relatable or in agreement with the majority. This is seen in various ways, but most apparent in fashion and the way people dress themselves.

Core Competency Goals

· In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by…

Voicing out my opinion and getting the other group members perspectives. This allows everybody to vocalize their thoughts which helps in finding any conflicts or disagreements in an organized and efficient manner. Occasionally I do not communicate with my group members and let them do the work whilst watching them do it. During this school year I’m planning on fixing this issue during group discussions and conversations. Many times I have questions lingering in my mind and by asking these questions even if they are simple will allow me to understand what they’re saying or doing.

· I show that I value feedback from others in my group by…

Taking into consideration their feedback and asking questions on where I went wrong. By doing this I can expand my perspective on a problem or topic in the classroom and outside of school. There are times where I disagree with others in my group and do not value their feedback which leads to disagreements and a lack of teamwork. I’m planning on being more consistent with valuing feedback this year whether it’s in or out of school. Hopefully this will allow me to be more cooperative and think critically more.

· When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…

Listen to music which blocks any distractions such as classmates talking during class. This tends to lead to some conflicts such as not hearing the teacher or playing it too loudly. This allows my classmates hear my music and possibly get distracted or annoyed which negatively impacts their work flow. Hopefully I can find a different method to re-focus during class this year. Some methods can be requesting to work in a more isolated area or take multiple breaks instead of attempting to work throughout the entirety of the class. If either of these two methods work out it’ll allow me to be more attentive and focused in class without distracting my classmates.

Why Japanese?


Culture and products from Japan inspired me to learn and explore their language. It is fascinating how advanced Japan is compared to other countries with their technology. Car culture from Japan has heavily inspired and made a huge impact on the car community within the past decades. Vehicles such as the Toyota Supra, Nissan R32/34/35, and 350z are just a few staple JDM (Japan Domestic Market) vehicles that people around the world modify and tune.


Having a basic understanding of Japanese to get a grasp of what products or descriptions of items say, and to watch Japanese shows while doing something else without needing to watch it in dub. Having a basic understanding of Japanese will allow me to understand what an item may say that comes from Japan as many modern or simplistic items are made there. It’d also be nice to eventually understand enough Japanese to watch anime without requiring to read the subtitles so I can focus on the show itself.


By setting small goals I’d be taking small steps in order to reach my final goal instead of having an expectation of taking one huge step, which would essentially be skipping all the basics in order to achieve my goal. This would include, but isn’t limited to, understanding the alphabet, pronunciation of words, and proper writing style of words. Having small goals allows me to have less stress and more motivation as it’d be easier but slightly challenging instead of trying to do everything at once which would be impossible and stress-inducing.

Precalculus 12 Critical Thinking & Collaboration Self-Assessment

If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to ask for their reasoning on why they disagree/agree on a topic. This is helpful to get their perspective and provide any counter-arguments or realize my mistake and learn upon it. I use evidence to make judgments or decisions as demonstrated in this by the fact that I’m using different formulas and writing out my steps in order to attempt to create logical and mathematically correct statement. I show others that I truly value their contributions by asking them how they got their result and try to absorb that information to try and use it to help me make a solid conclusion. One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to consistently ask questions and provide them with some ideas that I’ve come up with that leads us to the complete the given assignment without being off-task. We we’re struggling on proving the product law but I did learn a lot from this as I definitely could’ve asked more questions and engage with other groups to try and pile up all their ideas and prove the product law.

Mon Autobiographie


Curricular Competency Reflection

I used previous notes and knowledge to complete this assignment. I used vocabulary learned from different units and combined them to create structured sentences. There was a lot of adjustment needed to express myself compared to how I’d do it in English as the sentences couldn’t be as complex and detailed because of the specific vocabulary we have learned thus far. It was a bit difficult as I had to think more about how to properly structure sentences to create a grammatically correct autobiography. I imagine people who aren’t accustomed to English and need to learn it struggle and aren’t able to express themselves properly.

Core Competency Reflection

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include reviewing notes and using WordReference. These two strategies allow me to get vocabulary or words necessary I need in order to complete a specific task. One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is using quizlet. It allows me to study more about the French vocabulary and when doing assignments I’m able to use the knowledge gained and apply it. My support network is helpful to me because they provide assistance when I require it. Being able to have my teacher or peers support me by explaining why something is the way it is or how to do something is very helpful for me. It allows me to get a more in-depth understanding and for any future assignments I won’t encounter the same issue I had because of the assistance given to me. My goal for myself moving forward is to have a successful career and be able to support myself independently. “My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include… ” I intend to work on making ethical choices as often times I usually encounter a lot of problems because of the decisions I take. I don’t want to encounter more problems as it’s not necessary and takes time to persevere or solve. To work on this goal I plan on thinking about the consequences of the decisions I might decide to do instead of not thinking about it.