Revolution Timeline

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I was able to identify a problem with ease as I’ve been using technology since a young age and have encountered multiple issues in the past which allowed me to identify a problem quickly. I was able to find the problem as I’ve personally experienced this exact problem and I was able to find the solutions as I researched a bit about it to provide evidence if the solution genuinely worked. I built my project from a backwards design by taking notes and researching about my topic. As well, I completed a checklist which helped as I was able to base my presentation off of it as it had all the information, and feedback from Mr. Basso. I was able to think about how I wanted the innovation to look before I thought of solutions as I’m interested in technology and it allowed me to think of a creative idea for the innovation before I thought of solutions. I was definitely able to dream of the future as technology is always advancing and I thought of a super advanced and evolved version of computers in the future. As well, I was some what able to identify solutions through that process as I had a decent idea of how you’d be able to create the design in the future, but at the same time I wasn’t able to think of exact steps and how’d it properly operate as technology is advanced and confusing sometimes. I was decently satisfied with the result of my design and solutions as my first attempt of drawing the innovation in the future wasn’t good and I had another shot at it and it turned out better. As well, I believe I could’ve had a bit more time thinking about the solutions as I believe I could’ve been able to list more specific solutions. I’d refine my assignment in the future by taking more consideration and time about thinking about solutions to my innovation/topic as it could’ve been better. As well, I would refine it in the future by going more in-depth and providing more details in certain areas as some people may not have a great understanding of it.

My Digital Footprint

When I google myself, I do not find any information about me. The first thing that appears when I google my full name is a sales manager. When I go to check images of my name, I do not see any images of me. It just shows random people or food. Also, on social media nothing appears. On Instagram, the first account that is shown is a photographer. My account most likely isn’t shown due to the name of the account as it doesn’t include my last name so finding it would be hard unless you knew my account name. Even if you found my account, I have it set to private, and I have no photos of myself or anything posted. Also, I have Twitter, but it goes by an online alias which nobody knows as my online identity is completely different from my real identity to have privacy and so none of my personal information is leaked, and or out in the internet somewhere. I have nothing posted about myself on my Twitter as it’s primarily used for gaming and or viewing funny images/videos. Any other social media account I own is also not related to my real identity whatsoever. Any other form of personal information like my email shows nothing as the names of my gmail accounts are randomly created. If anybody were to view any of my social media accounts they wouldn’t know anything about me. They’d either have to figure out by messaging me personally to know me, and or talk to the people I follow or who follow me. As well, I believe my digital footprint is an example of control of identity as I have decided whether my online accounts are my real name or an online alias I go by. I control it heavily as I do not share my personal accounts with anybody online as it could be potentially dangerous. I do not leak my real identity either as my profile pictures isn’t me, and I do not post any images of me or people I know. Lastly, the only times any of my personal information was public to anybody on the internet were database leaks which revealed IPs of several thousands of people, which didn’t affect me as my online name on that database was an alias I went by which nobody knew. Obviously, I changed my IP as I have a dynamic router to prevent any DDoS attacks. My digital footprint impacts me beneficially and positively as my information is safe and secure compared to my friends. Overall, my digital footprint is very safe and secure.

In the future my digital footprint will not affect my post-secondary school applications. If they did lots of research into my social media accounts and or anything about me online they would find nothing that would harm my chances of being accepted to that post-secondary school. I have nothing of me doing anything bad such as drinking alcohol, smoking, and or anything illegal. I make sure if I do post anything online it isn’t going to affect me negatively or get me into any trouble. As well, my digital footprint will not affect my family and friends. My digital footprint will not cause any trouble for my family and friends as I do not post anything about them that would lead to anything negative such as people commenting rude things about them. I make sure that they are also safe online by making sure they don’t post any personal pictures or information publicly and making sure they aren’t going on scamming, or phishing sites that would harm them.

I also want to say that just because you have a private account, that doesn’t mean your information is actually private. It can easily be leaked and found. Also, passwords can easily be leaked if a website doesn’t have a secure database. I’ve been in a situation where my account would’ve been taken but I was using a secure browser (Firefox) which hashes all your data such as passwords, usernames, IPs, etc… Personally, I have 2fa on lots of my online accounts which is extremely useful because if somebody logs into your account they need to get an access code which they can’t receive. I’d recommend using applications such as ‘Authy’ to secure your account even more. Lastly, all your personal information could be taken if you download malicious software and run that application. Millions of people have downloaded viruses which infect their computer and take over to completely steal your information and annihilate your computer. Make sure to download an antivirus program such as Malwarebytes. Finally, I’d recommend being cautious of what you post online, and just use common sense. Hopefully my post will benefit you in a variety of ways.

Speech Unit Reflection

One thing that I learned during this experience that I would use again is an outline. It really helped and I would use it in the future for other presentations and or projects as it helped guide me through the process and make sure it was organized. Secondly, I found was extremely helpful in creating my citations as it does it automatically, but sometimes it does require more information if certain information is missing such as the Publisher. Thirdly, there were many sources that were extremely helpful in researching my topic. I used sources like NASA, SpaceX, and EbscoHOST. These sources were extremely helpful because they were accurate and informative. Lastly, I could’ve improved on using my time effectively for research next time as I did leave a fair amount of work to the end of Winter Break was wasn’t a great idea as I stayed up for a while.

My Self-Portrait

   Have you ever wondered how a computer works and the inner parts of it and how much we, humans, are computers as well. Computers are able to quickly load websites or applications. However, I am able to type, sprint, and talk quickly. As well, computers are able to provide accurate information on the internet. However, false information can be shown which isn’t great but, I am able to share accurate information to friends and family. On occasion, I can give somebody false information which makes an impact on them. As well, computers can blow howling winds making it quite hard to concentrate on your task. Although, computers can be quiet to dead silent, I am sometimes an extremely loud person during class time, and break time. I can also be an extremely quiet person during class time, break time, and at home. In the end, I am a machine that is unique to me. What about you, do you think you’re a machine


My visual representation is innovative because, it is an original idea, and it still relates back to my metaphor or idea. I developed and created my visual representation like this because I knew that it’d still be computer related. Also, I developed the ideas of having the images representing my paragraph as applications on the desktop. What I enjoy about my visual representation is that, it is an original idea I thought about and it fits my paragraph a lot. I also like it because it is an idea I can relate to it since I use computers daily. Next time, I’d work on having it more pleasing to more people as I feel that this might not be innovative to others as it does to me. Also, I’d work on how I executed it as it can be confusing if you mix up the order. What I learned about my creative thinking during this process is that, I can think of ideas that are interesting to me. Also, I have a wide variety of ideas and I can think of some good and creative ideas to use.