Favourite Recipe

Basic Scones & Fruit Compote


Making and Sharing Reflection

During the making of this recipe one tool that I learned how to use was the pastry blender. The pastry blender is used to cut your butter into your flour mixture to make coarse crumbs, we use the pastry blender instead of our hands because we want to keep the fat cold to make the flakey layers and if we used our hands it would warm up the butter. The technology that I was able to practice using was an oven for the baking of the scones. Some materials that were utilized while making the scones were the recipe itself to follow the steps allowing me to make the finished product, as well as, the demo put on by Ms. Bolli showing visually how to complete the recipe.

In terms of sharing the finished product I split the 6 scones the recipe made evenly between my partner and myself. I also decided to keep one of my 3 scones for myself and share the other 2 with my family. I wanted to share them with my family because I really enjoyed the scones and wanted to share the amazing taste with my family.

Core Competency Reflection

  • Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in…

One time that I communicated clearly and purposefully during this recipe was when asking Ms. Bolli a question about the method while baking this recipe. Another time i communicated clearly was when asking for support from my partner. The way that this worked was if I needed an ingredient passed to me or just general support with my part of the recipe I would let my partner know.

  • As an active listener, I notice that I…

I notice that during the demo I was actively listening and participating by answering questions and filling out my recipe with things like the required equipment. As an active listener, I also notice that I am always listening for my partner in case they need support while we are cooking.

  • One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to…

On lab days before we start cooking we talk as a group and make sure everyone knows their job in order to achieve our common objective. We also ensure the common purpose is clear when filling out our recipe and supporting each other in answering the questions.

  • Goal: When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I…

My goal in the section of collaboration and is that when I am in an environment where I need to work with people I don’t know well I will start more conversations and communicate my ideas and opinions, as well as, build on others ideas more.

I am working on this goal because I don’t feel like I am doing a good enough job at it currently and I believe that it will improve the quality of my work both individually and obviously in groups. Some steps that I will take to achieve my goal are, I will try to share at least one idea during each discussion when working with people I don’t know very well and build on at least one other person’s idea.


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