Romeo and Juliet

By reading the play one thing I learned about myself was that I have thought in an existentialistic mindset before. When something doesn’t go my way, my reaction will often be to say in my head “life is unfair” and “only I can control what happens”. Another theme I now realize is present in my life after reading the play is that occasionally I will how my emotions to take over my logic, this can sometimes lead to some ill decisions from myself. The part of my life where this theme is most found is while I’m playing sports. Often things will happen such as a bad call by the ref or the opponents trying to get under my skin and sometimes, I am able to take a deep breath and walk away while other times I allow my emotions to drive my decisions and react in a rash manner. In terms of learning stuff about society in general, I recall that I have witnessed at least one example of each theme at some point in my life. The one that stuck out to me the most is probably the biggest theme of the play being that in the end it is a tragedy. On multiple separate occasions rather it be people I know or strangers in public they lack self-awareness to see what their flaw is and in turn that is what ends up being the source of the problem. Lastly, I think there are many different themes that Shakespeare touched on in this play, but they all lead back to ‘morality’ and showing us how we should behave in varying circumstances.


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