Life Saving Measures

My first takeaway from the CPR presentation is that any form of CPR whether it be compression only and not even the best compressions it still helps to double the person’s chance of survival. A takeaway I have from the Naloxone presentation is that one of the biggest issues around drugs is the stigma that surrounds them. We need to try to break down that stigma by educating others and spreading the information we have learned. My last takeaway from both presentations is that if you come across a situation such as an overdose or an unconscious person it is important that you help since you have the proper training and knowledge in these situations. Even if you don’t feel comfortable to perform the actions yourself you could provide the Naloxone kit if you carry one or coach someone else through the steps of CPR. The impact that these presentations may have on my personal life is that you are most likely to perform CPR on a family member, which means the training could save the lives of those closest to me. In terms of the impact of the Naloxone presentation just carrying a Naloxone kit could save anyone around me who has an encounter with toxic drugs, even if that be a friend accidentally getting poked with a needle sitting on the street.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements.

In terms of our CPR and Naloxone training, I have the ability to analyze the situation such as a person lying unresponsive on the ground and make the judgement to help them through the use of the skills I learned from the presentations. In terms of day to day PE class, I analyze the flow of the play in the games and make the judgement of how to react accordingly.


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