IDS Inquiry Reflection

My inquiry question is: how can I learn about computer hardware/software and its impact on the development of technology? My inquiry question has changed since I wrote my Personal Learning Plan. Originally I had planned to only focus on computer hardware but I have since decided to also include computer software in my inquiry.

I feel that overall my time management is pretty good. Most weeks I use CENT time to work on my IDS project and when CENT time is used for an assembly or other events I make time outside of school to stay on track with my IDS. Similarly, if I have urgent work in one of my other courses that I need to use CENT time to make up I ensure that I make up this missed work time outside of school.

The resources I have found most useful are websites I have found online, YouTube videos, and databases through the library catalogue (ex. World Book Online).

A challenge that I am currently facing is making sure that I have enough content to keep me busy until May. The solution that I came up with is expanding my inquiry question to include computer software which unlocked much more information that I can include.

I have grown in the core competency area of thinking. More specifically I have further developed thinking skills such as problem solving and critical thinking during the planning and research stages of my inquiry.

I plan on sharing my findings and research through a PowerPoint as well as sharing my log to show the entire process as a whole. Yes, I am well on track to present my inquiry in either May or early June.

Most likely I will work on this inquiry or at least parts for my Capstone next year but, there is always the chance that come next year there will be another topic I would rather do my Capstone on.


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