Core Competency Goals

Others find my feedback useful because I…

Take the time to thoroughly read through the work I am giving feedback on before sharing my thoughts on what I like about the work and what can be improved. I can also make my feedback useful by making it constructive through strategies such as telling them one thing I liked, followed by one thing I would change, and rounding the criticism out with one more thing I liked about it. One other way I can make my feedback more useful is by focusing on the bigger concepts like the message behind the work rather than just the smaller details such as spelling or grammar.

If the group is not productive, we can …. in order to get things moving in the right direction.

We can take a 5 minute brain break so that everyone can be focused on the task at hand when we resume work. I can also step up and assess the reason that the group is not being productive and communicate to the rest of the group some ways around the issue. In the case that our plan for the project is the reason we are not productive maybe we take a step back and brainstorm new ideas about the direction we want to take the project that will allow us to be more successful.

Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include…

There are a multitude of factors that play into what I think about before dividing tasks. One thing that I know affects me personally, so I am always aware of it is how busy individuals are outside of school with things such as extra-curriculars; if someone has almost no time to work on the project after school maybe their task is a little bit smaller and someone with lots of time takes on a bigger role. It is also very important that no one hates the task that they have been assigned, so it is important to discuss who wants to do what in order to ensure everyone is content with their part. The last thing I think about is individuals strengths’ in certain areas, for example if someone is more artistically versed they could be responsible for the presentation of the poster.


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