Anatomy and Physiology 12

The creative thinking process demonstrated during our fetal pig dissection helped my partner and I understand how to connect our learning of the parts of the body.We both had our notes to look over and find each part that was needed to be found.We also needed to think outside the box in order to dissect the pig properly in case we thought the instructions were unclear.

Law 12 Core Competency Reflection

Should our criminal justice system be more punitive or rehabilitative? Why?

The Canadian criminal justice system should be more punitive, but only when it is fit for the criminal. I believe that the most dangerous offenders in prison should not get a minimum sentence for what they have done. Some sentences that the judge or jury gives the accused should be carried out longer, for example if they’d get a year for aggravated sexual assault, it is not deserving for the offender and extremely disrespectful for the families of the victims and not justifiable in terms of the crime. Death penalty though, should not be an option in our system as everyone is protected by the Charter of Rights. I’ve also heard of cases where a dangerous criminal would not be put in a maximum security prison, where they should have been.

I can analyze my own beliefs and consider views that do not fit with them. I chose to reflect on this core competency prompt because everything that I’ve stated in my paragraph goes with my own beliefs. I understand everyone has a different opinion but that shouldn’t mean that I would look down on them because it is their very own opinion, and no one should be discriminated for it, but there are limited beliefs that one should have, e.g. hate speech.

Life Saving Measures

I chose this photo to imply that I have learned a lot about the Naloxone presentation. I’ve done the CPR course in Grade 10 and the activity we’ve done last week was like a refresher. The activity made me remember what signs to look for before we do the CPR on the person. Analyzing the surroundings, the proper way to place our palms in the middle of the chest, finding an AED, etc. The Naloxone presentation was really eye-opening as I didn’t know there were high rates of overdose in BC. It taught me that naloxone is a neutral drug to help an overdose, if there wasn’t, then it wouldn’t affect them. This presentation prepared me for whatever may come in the future, if I’d have to help someone who’s had an overdose, or teach others how to do this.

I can analyze evidence to make judgments. I chose this competency because I’ve learned to be able to find signs and warnings if someone needed CPR or a naloxone. Once I found these signs and warnings, I’d be able to make my own judgment and hopefully do the right thing in these situations.

Animal Investigation Labs: Self Assessment

Favourite Dissection Image:

Curricular Response

Having the experiences of dissecting different types of animals in Biology 11 made me realize that doing these labs helped me understand more about the anatomy of each animal. It’s nice to have a kind of knowledge about how these animals are able to use their body with a variety of different kind of systems. For the squid dissection, I was able to learn a lot of things. I was able to tell if the sex of the squid is a female or a male, which you can see in the picture that both of the insides of the mantle are different. The one on the top is a female because it has a clear yellowy sequence of ovaries. The one on the bottom is a male because the sperm sac should look like a clear glue gooey sac. I also learned that it actually had two longer tentacles from the rest of the arms. I also was taught about how their process of excreting waste connects with how they use a water jet propulsion as their movement. With the help of a printed diagram with the labels of the body parts, I was able to identify them apart from each other. Using the notes were also helpful for me while doing the lab dissection to guide me throughout the process, along with Mr. Asano’s directions. 🙂

Core Competency Self Assessment

I really enjoyed the lab dissection of the squid because I had fun and learned more about squids that I did not know before. Just as I stated before, I feel more intelligent knowing these facts about how squids are able to work with their body type. I also liked doing this lab dissection because I bonded with my friends with experiencing this new subject idea that we have never done before. There were a few challenges that I’ve faced at the start of this lab, which was me being a germaphobe and not wanting to touch the squid at all, it also did not smell very nice but I was able to overcome it quickly as I realized that I needed to do this for the lab. I was also having trouble with taking the eyes out which led me to poke it incorrectly and there was a lot of blood squirting out of it. I overcame it as well as I had two squids which made me realize my mistake and performed it better on the other squid.

Drawing/Painting Core Competency Reflection

My Art


I was inspired to make this journal drawing from a similar picture that I found on Pinterest. I based this drawing off of it and decided to add my ideas onto it, such as the honeycomb, the little stars, and the leaves. Sometimes, when I’m struggling to continue with the art, I search for more items and ideas to add onto it by looking around the room or go on Pinterest again, just to find something. This piece of drawing is definitely my favourite so far because I was able to create the picture that I had envisioned in my head.

Unit Core Competency Assessment

Alisha and I’s Virus Project

This virus project is what I enjoyed doing most during this unit because it taught me how to collaborate with my partner Alisha and grow as a team to complete this project. We had both communicated with each other about which sections of the project that we would do by dividing the work equally so that it would be fair to both of us. I did my research and shared the documents with her to figure out what we can add more and to be concise with the research, just in case others weren’t able to understand what was on the pamphlet. This part of the unit was definitely most memorable for me, I had just wished that we had used our time carefully in order to improve more things.

Natural Selection Critical Thinking Self-Assessment

This is me participating in my Natural Selection lab. The activity was to transfer the licorice to the other side of the table to imply the amount of preys that were eaten by the predator, which in this case was me.

I collected and analyzed evidence by doing this lab to recognize which type of preys that we’d take in different environments (construction paper). In the picture above, I was doing this activity with the white paper, and it shows that the environment does not favour either of the preys because both colours don’t blend in with the paper. I also did this lab with a red and black background, and it showed the licorice blends in with their own colour. The sizes of the preys were also a factor for which ones I’d take, because I have long acrylic nails, I chose the bigger and thicker pieces of licorice to grab so it wouldn’t be as hard for me. My group had discussed about this activity and came to a conclusion that we all had fun doing this lab and it made us realize new things that we learned about the natural selection process.

Nature Poetry Anthology

Something innovative about my visual representation is how I set up most of my slides with pictures, thanks to PowerPoint, it doesn’t look like complete trash. I wrote down which poems I was planning on using in my Notes app, which was very helpful as it reminded me a lot. I enjoyed making the slides because it was easy, I also liked searching poems and having to read them. I would improve on my searching skills next time and get more creative with the slides. During this process, I learned that my creative ability was basic and simple as I didn’t like extravagant designs.

Innovation Timeline

The information I gathered was reliable enough for me to use because most of the articles were made by professional journalists. For my timeline, I used an app called “Video Star”. It only imports videos in order to edit at first, but you can also edit photos as long as the video is imported first. The design I came up with was satisfying to me. I would refine my assignment in the future by putting more detail in, and adding more effort.