Core Competency Self Assessment


For this assignment I collaborated with two other people. Our task was to research one of the types of plate boundaries and share our findings with the group. We each communicated verbally and chose which boundary we would research. It wasn’t difficult to divide up the work evenly as there are three types of boundaries, and three of us. It also didn’t matter to any of us which boundary we researched. There was no disagreement between us three. Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to fully complete our task and communicate our findings to the rest of the group. We instead researched the boundaries on our own and filled out the table on our own. Other ways I collaborate in class is sharing my thoughts and answers to certain questions in class discussions. I also take in other peoples thoughts and I include them in my notes or answers as they often have valid responses or another point which I didn’t think of. If I disagree with another’s thoughts, I recognize that we just have differing views on the topic.

One thing I need to work on is collaborating more on assignments, and communicating more with my peers. In this class particularly. This includes asking for help when I need it, which I often struggle with. The above example was the only one I had of collaboration, and we really didn’t collaborate that much. When I do collaborate with peers in other classes, I always do my part and if necessary, I step up and lead the group. I’d like to have an opportunity to do that in this class if it arises. I can work on my collaboration by putting myself out there more, getting over any nerves I have and just going for it. I have done so before. I just have to recognize that I am capable of, and sometimes enjoy collaborating in class.


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