Arts & Crafts Core Competency Self-Assessment

Creative Thinking Skills

My Paper Quilling Project of a Tree

While working on my paper quilling project, I showed multiple creative thinking skills.

“I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others.” To start off my project, I researched ideas on Pinterest and formed a plan using those images as inspiration. I drew out the plan on paper and coloured it in with various greens. I included more shapes in my design than the inspiration photo to fit the project criteria. I also added personal touches by using multiple different colors, and shades of green and yellow.

“I can develop a body of creative work over time” As I worked on my quilling project, I made slight changes to it and it was constantly being improved. I added more tight coils in between the branches because the tree looked too empty, or I made the flowers smaller to fit the space I had. The biggest change I made while working on the project was that I filled in the tree branches and trunk with more quilled paper. In my plan I was going to make it a solid black silhouette but, I prefer the quilled bark pattern I went with. This change also helped me learn and practice a different quilling technique.


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