Writing in English Studies 12

My Best Essay

Core Competency Reflection

“I appreciate feedback on… and prefer it comes in the form of…”

I appreciate feedback on my writing and prefer it comes in the form of constructive criticism. This essay was the first in class essay I wrote, and I think its still one of my best. I liked writing the essay because I got to try out a new form of writing a narrative about myself. I also enjoyed the constructive criticism and feedback I received because I was able to see where I needed to improve my writing, and what I could do on future essays.

“An example of where I took a significant risk in my thinking or the expected process was when…”

An example of where I took a significant risk in my thinking or the expected process was when I wrote this essay. Like I said above, I used a different style in my essay inspired by the style of an essay we read in class. I took a risk moving away from the format I usually write my essays and the essay turned out really well.

“The ways I communicate at school differ from how I communicate at ____ (soccer/ work/ hockey/ piano lessons/ family events/etc) in these ways:”

The ways I communicate at school differ from how I communicate in everyday life. This is especially true in my writing, I cannot use the same language that I use while talking to my friends or family in an essay. This essay was a good way to bridge that gap because the essay is written like I’m telling a story. I enjoy writing in this format because I get to use more of my non essay voice, my regular voice.

One goal that I have for myself going forward is to take the feedback and corrections I have gotten throughout this course and use it to improve my future writing. This aligns with the Critical and Reflective Thinking core competency and the prompt “I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is…” Not only can I improve my own work I can also work towards improving the work of others from all the peer editing we did in this course.

Anatomy & Physiology 12 Core Competency Self Assesment

I have used the communication core competency a lot in this course during our many labs or working on assignments and work packages with my desk mates. I showed the communication core competency a lot during the sheep hearts lab where my partner and I worked on identifying different chambers and parts of the heart. We first found the blood vessels leading in and out of the heart chambers, my partner and I took each other’s opinions into account of where we believed each vessel was. We obviously communicated very well because we were able to label all the vessels correctly in the first try. In the next section of the lab we labeled parts of the heart, we consulted the heart diagram in the superlab and in the lab handbook, and communicated our findings from those resources. My partner also watched a heart dissection video to prepare for the lab and she shared what she had learned from it with me. My partner and I proved our communication skills greatly in this lab because we were the first pair to complete the labeling. We also communicated our knowledge with Ms Chew by having her check that we had labelled the heart correctly.

The sheep’s heart with the aortic semi-lunar valve labelled. My partner and I weren’t able to label it on the first try but after I consulted a diagram, I communicated my findings with my partner and we correctly located it.

Metal Art and Jewelry 12 Edublog Reflection

In metal art and jewelry 12 I have started on my first project, making a metal rose. I started out by cutting the three rose parts out of paper and then tracing them out onto a piece of metal. I then cut the pieces out with aviation snips and sanded the edges with sandpaper which was a little tedious. After Mr. Peterson showed us how to use the jewelers torches I used them to add colour to my rose with heat. I had a few struggles with turning the torch off, there was always a small flame even as I had turned off the gas. I learned it could be fixed easily by just tapping the torch tip on the table to expel the extra dirt and material stuck in there which caused the little flame. After that step I punched holes in the center of the three rose parts but I accidentally punched one of the holes in a different sized punch so it is much larger than the other two holes. I asked Mr. Peterson for help to fix this and he showed me a way to make a thicker stem for my rose by twirling thinner metal sticks together with a drill. Now my rose will look cooler than those with a basic stem. I will learn more as I continue to work on my rose project and probably encounter similar issues later in the course where I can use my learning to overcome them.

My Rose Pieces & Stem
The Jewelers Torches

French 12 Cooking Show

While working on my cooking show, I showed use of the thinking core competency, specifically creative thinking. When working with my group we used creative thinking together to come up with ideas of what to cook. Each of us made suggestions on what to cook, Korean food for example, and we built upon each others suggestions to decide our dish, Gimbap. When writing the script for our show I made sure to use my creative thinking skills to make the dialogue entertaining and funny at some times. I also included some French idiomatic expressions like “Va te faire un œuf ” which indirectly translates to “Mind your own business,” and “C’est du gâteau” meaning “Its a peace of cake.” I did all the editing for the video so I was able to use a lot of creative thinking while working on it. I added fun background music, transitions, and an intro and outro. I also had to learn how to add voiceovers to the program I was using so I used some creative thinking to figure that out. I am very proud of our cooking video and I believe that it shows the amount of work and thought put into it.

The script for my cooking video, the video was too big of a file to include

Chemistry 12 Core Competency Self- Assessment

In Lab 19C “Determining of a Solubility Product Constant” I showed uses of the communication core competency. During the lab I was able to communicate well with my lab partner to complete the lab and to work on the calculations and recording of our data. We both divided up the work equally, with both of us doing tasks in shifts or working on separate tasks so that we could complete the lab efficiently and accurately. Our roles included one person creating the chemical reaction in the beaker, and one person writing down observations which we would alternate doing. We also often had one person cleaning our equipment while the other set up for another trial. We shared our ideas with one another throughout the lab like our observations on the colour and precipitate produced in the test tubes, and on ways to complete the post lab calculations. In the second part of the lab, we had to heat up the beakers seen above to see what temperature the precipitate would dissolve at. We worked together to accurately observe when the precipitate was completely dissolved, often times it was hard so see when this happened so we discussed what we personally saw and if the solution needed to be heated for longer. We had some obstacles in this part with it taking a long time for certain precipitates to dissolve so we split up our roles again with one person observing the reaction and another cleaning and putting away equipment we weren’t using anymore. When the lab was finished we discussed our answers to the post lab questions to see if we had similar results and that we did our calculations correctly. Over all, I believe that me and my partner showed great communication and collaborating skills through assigning roles and responsibilities, sharing ideas and using strategies to navigate project goals.

Core Competency Self-Reflection: Pre Calculus 12

Option 1 – Collaboration

My group and I worked very well together this semester. We all contributed, even in small ways, to every problem we worked on and weren’t afraid to challenge each others answers or ask questions. We didn’t have definite roles in my work group, but I often took up the “scribe” role and wrote out the questions. Even then, we usually had a system where if the person writing didn’t know how to solve the problem or needed clarification on something, another would take the marker and talk through the answer. Often our whiteboard is filled with all three of ours’s writing. We work very well as a group.

The picture above is from the in class work questions from the polynomial unit for section 3.2, though this unit is more simple than others we had some difficulty with question 1. This was our first time working with a graph like this and we were all confused about what to put where and how to set up the basic shape of it. We combatted this by checking the notes and learned how to find the degrees of the x-intercepts and the graphs end behaviors. We ran into another problem when calculating points to plot, we got very large numbers that seemed unrealistic. With Ms. Eaton’s help we found that the numbers did make sense in the equation after using “Desmos” and seeing what the graph looked like. We solved this problem and many others utilizing all the resources we have been provided with.

I think my group’s problem solving skills could be improved in a couple of ways according to the Core Competency collaboration profiles. First off, I think our work and roles could be divided up a bit more equally according to profile 2. This includes not relying on a certain very much smarter member to do a lot of the work and have everyone try their best to solve the question without fear of getting it wrong. We can work together to get it right. Another way to improve our collaboration would be to talk to a few other groups if we are really stuck, according to prompts 4 and 6. Instead of looking at what the other groups are doing to solve harder problems, we should talk to them and ask them about their solving process. We do this already but I think we could do this even more and talk to even more groups than just a certain few.

Geography Core Competency Self – Assessment

Positive Personal and Cultural Identity

“I can identify my strengths and identify my potential.”

In my power point and presentation on Mt Agung, a volcano in Bali Indonesia, I showed many of my strengths. I put a lot of work into the research portion of the project as researching well is one of my strengths. I collected my information from sources such as the Smithsonian Institution’s website, Bali’s official tourism website, and one research paper. It was important for me that my information came from creditable places. I compiled a lot more research than I needed for the project, so I had to cut some information out when I wrote my presentation script and created the slideshow. Another strength of mine that was shown through this project was my strength with public speaking. I was a little nervous to present because I don’t know a lot of the people in my class but I pushed through. During my presentation I didn’t rely on my script very much as well as my slides. I also went off script at one point and told the class some extra information I had learned. I always make sure everyone can hear me clearly when I present as well. I am a quieter person but a strength of mine is my ability to project my voice. I am proud of how my strengths were shown in this project and my presentation of it.

Arts & Crafts Core Competency Self-Assessment

Creative Thinking Skills

My Paper Quilling Project of a Tree

While working on my paper quilling project, I showed multiple creative thinking skills.

“I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others.” To start off my project, I researched ideas on Pinterest and formed a plan using those images as inspiration. I drew out the plan on paper and coloured it in with various greens. I included more shapes in my design than the inspiration photo to fit the project criteria. I also added personal touches by using multiple different colors, and shades of green and yellow.

“I can develop a body of creative work over time” As I worked on my quilling project, I made slight changes to it and it was constantly being improved. I added more tight coils in between the branches because the tree looked too empty, or I made the flowers smaller to fit the space I had. The biggest change I made while working on the project was that I filled in the tree branches and trunk with more quilled paper. In my plan I was going to make it a solid black silhouette but, I prefer the quilled bark pattern I went with. This change also helped me learn and practice a different quilling technique.

Core Competency Self Assessment


For this assignment I collaborated with two other people. Our task was to research one of the types of plate boundaries and share our findings with the group. We each communicated verbally and chose which boundary we would research. It wasn’t difficult to divide up the work evenly as there are three types of boundaries, and three of us. It also didn’t matter to any of us which boundary we researched. There was no disagreement between us three. Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to fully complete our task and communicate our findings to the rest of the group. We instead researched the boundaries on our own and filled out the table on our own. Other ways I collaborate in class is sharing my thoughts and answers to certain questions in class discussions. I also take in other peoples thoughts and I include them in my notes or answers as they often have valid responses or another point which I didn’t think of. If I disagree with another’s thoughts, I recognize that we just have differing views on the topic.

One thing I need to work on is collaborating more on assignments, and communicating more with my peers. In this class particularly. This includes asking for help when I need it, which I often struggle with. The above example was the only one I had of collaboration, and we really didn’t collaborate that much. When I do collaborate with peers in other classes, I always do my part and if necessary, I step up and lead the group. I’d like to have an opportunity to do that in this class if it arises. I can work on my collaboration by putting myself out there more, getting over any nerves I have and just going for it. I have done so before. I just have to recognize that I am capable of, and sometimes enjoy collaborating in class.