Writing in English Studies 12

My Best Essay

Core Competency Reflection

“I appreciate feedback on… and prefer it comes in the form of…”

I appreciate feedback on my writing and prefer it comes in the form of constructive criticism. This essay was the first in class essay I wrote, and I think its still one of my best. I liked writing the essay because I got to try out a new form of writing a narrative about myself. I also enjoyed the constructive criticism and feedback I received because I was able to see where I needed to improve my writing, and what I could do on future essays.

“An example of where I took a significant risk in my thinking or the expected process was when…”

An example of where I took a significant risk in my thinking or the expected process was when I wrote this essay. Like I said above, I used a different style in my essay inspired by the style of an essay we read in class. I took a risk moving away from the format I usually write my essays and the essay turned out really well.

“The ways I communicate at school differ from how I communicate at ____ (soccer/ work/ hockey/ piano lessons/ family events/etc) in these ways:”

The ways I communicate at school differ from how I communicate in everyday life. This is especially true in my writing, I cannot use the same language that I use while talking to my friends or family in an essay. This essay was a good way to bridge that gap because the essay is written like I’m telling a story. I enjoy writing in this format because I get to use more of my non essay voice, my regular voice.

One goal that I have for myself going forward is to take the feedback and corrections I have gotten throughout this course and use it to improve my future writing. This aligns with the Critical and Reflective Thinking core competency and the prompt “I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is…” Not only can I improve my own work I can also work towards improving the work of others from all the peer editing we did in this course.