Favourite recipe edublog

Cream soups and Foccacia bread

Making and Sharing Reflecting.


I use food materials in ways that minimize waste. I always use the majority of the vegetable and use all of the spices and seasoning to maximize flavour in the recipe. I’m not shy when it comes to ingredients, I always pick the biggest union or the most garlic. I never waste little bits of food.


I assess my ability to work effectively with individuals and collaboratively. Working in groups in one of my strong suites. I thrive when my group and I can work together and get the job done.

Core competency reflection

Examples where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in my finishing product and my teams-manship with my group members.

If there is a disagreement within the group, I find it helpful too talk as a group and quickly workout an answer to our problem. Making sure everybody is happy with the final product is crucial.

I know the group is working well when I see, people helping each other and working collaboratively. When our table group is communicating and working things out quickly and efficiently you can tell we are working well.

One goal

I show that I value feedback from others in my group. Sometimes I don’t show that I value outside opinions and maybe I have to show that it effects my work that I do. Especially when my partner feels strongly about something.

Favourite recipe

Breakfast hash

Making and Sharing Reflection

My group members and I worked very well together when it came to execution and final product. We all finished around the same time and we all worked smoothly with each other in the kitchen. We adjusted the flavouring and some of the spices when needed to meet our taste requirements. We also presented well as a whole and worked together getting ingredients whenever we could, oiling each others pans whenever they needed it as well. We all knew what tasks we excelled in and those we the tasks that we decided for each other. Criticizing people when they weren’t doing something correct is a big part of it as well. Letting your group members know that they are doing something wrong is healthy and helpful If you want to do something to your best ability.

Core Competency Reflection

One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to talk all the time. communication is amazing, knowing what your group members are doing is very good for your timing as a whole and your timing as an individual. Some things I think about before dividing tasks among the group members include what peoples individual skills are, and what people maybe don’t excel in. if somebody isn’t very good at chopping maybe hand that task off to there partner or trade for something that they excel at. I show that I value feedback in my group by giving feedback whenever I can, as well as positively receiving feedback from my group members. Now that we are with our new groups a goal I have would just be to work extremely well with all of my new group members and figure out what we each excel at.