My Movie
Search for the “video” block by typing “video” into the search box.
Upload your video. IF your video is too large you have a few options:
- you can do a screenshot of your video then embed the file beneath it:
2. you could upload your video to a private channel on Youtube and then embed the link.
3. you could compress the video file using a free site like Video Compressor | Reduce Video File Size Online ( to make the file small enough to put on your post
Plot, Character, Setting and Mood
- Reflect on the learning over the past week. Respond, in paragraph form (approximately 4-6 sentences) to the following prompts (use quotes as support where possible):
- What did you learn about determining a character’s “identity”? Explain how you figured out what your Avatar would look like
- What did you learn about choosing plot points for a story?
- What did you learn about determining the setting of a story?
- Explain what the word mood means in literature and movies. What mood did you decide on for your movie? Why did you pick the song that you picked?
- Don’t forget a conclusion sentence!
Core Competency Reflection
- Focus on celebrating what you have learned: use the Core Competency prompts found below. Choose 3 prompts that explain how this project and presentation helped you develop and demonstrate Core Competencies.
- Choose 1 from any category and copy and paste to your post. Respond and build on the prompt.
- Choose another one from any category (or even the same category) and copy and paste to your post. Respond and build on the prompt
- Do this for a total of 3 prompts.
I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is that I can reflect on my thinking by easily stating what I did well and what I would like to work on. This video is a great example of my reflecting on the feedback I was given by my teacher and then using it to edit the video so it worked properly. I think something I need to improve on is my confidence in presenting my work to the class so I won’t be worried that people will be critical of my work in the future.
Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in – the lines I chose to present a shortened version of my story. I only had 20 lines maximum that I could use to tell the story so I considered what the most important moments of the story were. I initially had more than 20 but I was able to think about my audience and what they would need to hear to understand what the story was about and select the ones I needed. In the end I only used 18 moments to tell the shortened form.
When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I take a break from my work for a short, set time to engage in some strategies that support my well being. I put in my ear buds, I find a play list of 5 songs that I like, I sit with my eyes closed and I enjoy the music. I make sure that I go back to my work after so I don’t forget to finish my work in a timely manner.
I have valuable ideas to share about how to determine the character’s identity and setting and I do so by sharing my opinion in a kind way that doesn’t effect or hurt anyone. I supported my other class members by helping a few figure out how to use the Avatar app. I also helped a few figure out how to download the music from the web-site and then embed it in the powerpoint. Finally, I helped a classmate be able to upload their video to their Edublog post.