Independent Novel Study The Movie Sample Post

My Movie

Search for the “video” block by typing “video” into the search box.

Upload your video. IF your video is too large you have a few options:

  1. you can do a screenshot of your video then embed the file beneath it:

2. you could upload your video to a private channel on Youtube and then embed the link.

3. you could compress the video file using a free site like Video Compressor | Reduce Video File Size Online ( to make the file small enough to put on your post

Plot, Character, Setting and Mood

  • Reflect on the learning over the past week.  Respond, in paragraph form (approximately 4-6 sentences) to the following prompts (use quotes as support where possible):
  1. What did you learn about determining a character’s “identity”?  Explain how you figured out what your Avatar would look like
  2. What did you learn about choosing plot points for a story?
  3. What did you learn about determining the setting of a story?
  4. Explain what the word mood means in literature and movies. What mood did you decide on for your movie?  Why did you pick the song that you picked?
  5. Don’t forget a conclusion sentence!   

Core Competency Reflection

  • Focus on celebrating what you have learned: use the Core Competency prompts found below. Choose 3 prompts that explain how this project and presentation helped you develop and demonstrate Core Competencies.   
  1. Choose 1 from any category and copy and paste to your post.  Respond and build on the prompt.  
  1. Choose another one from any category (or even the same category) and copy and paste to your post.  Respond and build on the prompt 
  1. Do this for a total of 3 prompts.  


I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is that I can reflect on my thinking by easily stating what I did well and what I would like to work on. This video is a great example of my reflecting on the feedback I was given by my teacher and then using it to edit the video so it worked properly. I think something I need to improve on is my confidence in presenting my work to the class so I won’t be worried that people will be critical of my work in the future.

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in – the lines I chose to present a shortened version of my story. I only had 20 lines maximum that I could use to tell the story so I considered what the most important moments of the story were. I initially had more than 20 but I was able to think about my audience and what they would need to hear to understand what the story was about and select the ones I needed. In the end I only used 18 moments to tell the shortened form.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I take a break from my work for a short, set time to engage in some strategies that support my well being. I put in my ear buds, I find a play list of 5 songs that I like, I sit with my eyes closed and I enjoy the music. I make sure that I go back to my work after so I don’t forget to finish my work in a timely manner.

I have valuable ideas to share about how to determine the character’s identity and setting and I do so by sharing my opinion in a kind way that doesn’t effect or hurt anyone. I supported my other class members by helping a few figure out how to use the Avatar app. I also helped a few figure out how to download the music from the web-site and then embed it in the powerpoint. Finally, I helped a classmate be able to upload their video to their Edublog post.
