If you are still going with the default template, you are missing out on making your Edublog your own. There are lots of ways that you can personalize your Edublog so your personality is reflected in this space that others will visit to learn more about you.
Start by going to your dashboard and find Appearance on the menu:
Click on Themes and you will see a long list of different Themes to choose from.
Scroll through and choose one you like. Before you commit to it, do a “Live Preview” to make sure it looks how you like:
Some are very cluttered and make finding/reading your information really challenging. Stay away from those and, instead, choose one that is easy to read.
Below Themes, you will find “Customize”. This menu gives you lots of ways you can make your Edublog unique to you.
You can choose an image to be your site logo
You can choose to change your “Background image”.
You can add information to the bottom of your page with the Footer Content menu:
•I plan to take on roles and responsibilities in a group; to do my share – I really like group work but sometimes I have a tendency to slack and let others do the work. This year I plan on doing my equal share in any partnership or group work that I’m assigned to complete. I am a strong public speaker so I usually volunteer to speak on behalf of the group but I intend to try to take on other roles so that I extend my learning. I know by doing so that I’ll actually learn more and I’ll more accurately represent my learning to my teacher.
•I can recognise my emotions and use strategies to manage them – I find that I am often bored in class. I think this is because I don’t get actively involved in my learning. Since I am intending on taking on an active role in group work, I plan to also take on an active role in other areas in my class too. When I find myself feeling bored I’m going to look for ways to energize myself around the learning we are doing.
•I am kind to others, and support others when they need it – I usually get along with people well. I want to extend from just being the “nice guy” to being someone people seek out when they need help and also be someone that others can count on. I think this also fits with my goals of being more involved in my schooling this year. If I make friends with those in my class it will be easier to work together on projects and assignments and to have class discussion.
Students were given the task of picking out words that they feel are significant to understanding the theme of the story. They then choose a shape that they think is representative of the story and, finally, they choose a font and colours that they think are important.
The image can be downloaded OR you can screen-grab the image by using windows+shift+s (windows) to grab the image and control+v to paste into your post. (Note: for mac: contro+shift+3 allows you to screenshot. You can then open the screenshot and crop to the desired size).
By accessing the block menu, you can adjust the font size, the colour of the font, and the background (see above).
Using the pop up menu that appears when you highlight the text, you can choose to change the colour of just one word (not the whole line) or Boldor italics.
Formatting Images
Once you have embedded an image (or copy/pasted an image in), you can use the post menu to adjust the image. Frrom the Block menu, you can choose to revise your image in a variety of ways:
Rounded and Thumbnail
Fromthe Post menu, you can choose tohave a“Featured Image” for your post:
From the “Post” menu Turn off “Allow comments” so you don’t have anyone putting unwanted comments on your post (unless your teacher tells you otherwise).
Reflect on the learning over the past week. Respond, in paragraph form (approximately 4-6 sentences) to the following prompts (use quotes as support where possible):
What did you learn about determining a character’s “identity”? Explain how you figured out what your Avatar would look like
What did you learn about choosing plot points for a story?
What did you learn about determining the setting of a story?
Explain what the word mood means in literature and movies. What mood did you decide on for your movie? Why did you pick the song that you picked?
Don’t forget a conclusion sentence!
Core Competency Reflection
Focus on celebrating what you have learned: use the Core Competency prompts found below. Choose 3 prompts that explain how this project and presentation helped you develop and demonstrate Core Competencies.
Choose 1 from any category and copy and paste to your post. Respond and build on the prompt.
Choose another one from any category (or even the same category) and copy and paste to your post. Respond and build on the prompt
Do this for a total of 3 prompts.
I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is that I can reflect on my thinking by easily stating what I did well and what I would like to work on. This video is a great example of my reflecting on the feedback I was given by my teacher and then using it to edit the video so it worked properly. I think something I need to improve on is my confidence in presenting my work to the class so I won’t be worried that people will be critical of my work in the future.
Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in – the lines I chose to present a shortened version of my story. I only had 20 lines maximum that I could use to tell the story so I considered what the most important moments of the story were. I initially had more than 20 but I was able to think about my audience and what they would need to hear to understand what the story was about and select the ones I needed. In the end I only used 18 moments to tell the shortened form.
When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I take a break from my work for a short, set time to engage in some strategies that support my well being. I put in my ear buds, I find a play list of 5 songs that I like, I sit with my eyes closed and I enjoy the music. I make sure that I go back to my work after so I don’t forget to finish my work in a timely manner.
I have valuable ideas to share about how to determine the character’s identity and setting and I do so by sharing my opinion in a kind way that doesn’t effect or hurt anyone. I supported my other class members by helping a few figure out how to use the Avatar app. I also helped a few figure out how to download the music from the web-site and then embed it in the powerpoint. Finally, I helped a classmate be able to upload their video to their Edublog post.
Use zbib.org to create your Works Cited. When done, check that all your citations look right and then “Copy to Clipboard”.
Open a Word Doc and paste your citations. Add in a title and then screen shot and add to your post! This will maintain the proper “hanging indent” formatting.
Our project was creating a advertisement for a Nike Air force shoe. This advertisement draws attention to this specific shoe and causes more people to buy this product. This advertisement also causes Nike company’s to make more money from all the shoe lovers buying this shoe. The persuasion techniques used in this advertisement are ethical and logical. We used the ethical technique by telling the audience that if they want to have nice shoes and be like other people they should buy and wear it too. The logical technique part of this advertisement is showing the things that were used to make this shoe and stating facts that create a better look for this shoe.
Core Competency Reflection
I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share – I took on my roles and responsibilities by doing my share in the work we were given. Our presentation was worked on by both of us and we did pretty equal parts related to our strengths. Her strengths were more about the presenting and mine were more about the power point and writing the scripts. We showed our strengths and made the presentation work.
I can recognise my emotions and use strategies to manage them – I recognised my emotions by practising my script at home based on my confidence in presenting. I also stated to my partner in this project about my thoughts on presenting and we found a way for me to be more comfortable. I think we worked pretty well together in this project and it turned out really good. I feel like I used my time wisely to recognise my emotions and support them.
I am kind to others, and support others when they need it – I was kind to others in this group project by sharing my opinion in a kind way that doesn’t effect or hurt anyone. I supported my group member by supporting her needs and helping her with anything she needed to the best of my ability. I also supported her needs by doing my part in the work so she didn’t feel like everything was on her which it shouldn’t because it was a partner project.
I can reflect on my thinking – I can reflect on my thinking by easily stating what I did well and what I would like to work on. This Edublog is a great example of my reflections and there are many more. I think something I did well was my communication with my partner to figure out problems we had to make our project work. I think something i need to improve on is my confidence in presenting and my public speaking so I wont be affected by it in the future.
I give, receive, and act on feedback to progress in my goals – I can give, receive, and act on feedback to progress in my goals very well. I can do this by listening actively when others are talking to me or giving me feedback to create a goal based off of this information. I can also receive and process feedback by writing it down in a place I will remember to check so I can act on it properly and improve my skills I am getting feedback on. I can act on my feedback and set a proper goal based on checking my notes and asking others that know me while to prove read it and add there honest opinion on what I need to work on.
Core Competency Reflection
I can identify my strengths and identify my potential--In the next unit we will be using the understanding we have about persuasion to investigate how a character manipulates others to do what they want. I will work on identifying my own strengths about persuasion so I know if I can be easily manipulated. I will make a plan for how I will assess information looking for bias and persuasion techniques.
I can analyze my own beliefs and consider views that do not fit with them–in recognizing persuasive techniques, I will compare what someone is trying to persuade me to believe and decide if their ideas fit with my views. I will also be open to changing my views if I find that what they are persuading me to believe is more in line with who I am and what I want to achieve in my life.