Making List / To-Do Lists

By doing this, you have a visual of what you have to do and you can start to plan your time properly. If you have assignments in every class, write them down and keep track of the due date. If you do this it is easy for you to remember what you have to do and how much time you have to do them.

Try to Make a Schedule / Routine

Now that we don’t have to go school at a certain time, most no longer have a fixed schedule or routine to follow. This can lead to procrastination or sleeping till the afternoon. In my case it has lead to both, but now that classes are beginning up again, I found the importance of making a schedule.

When Working, Hide Distractions

One can do this by placing their phone across the room or adding software to block websites for a certain amount of time. I like to use Forest, as it is available on multiple devices. By doing this, it will be harder for your to get distracted by social media.

Give Scheduled Breaks

I find it easy to start working if I know that there is a scheduled break, like how it’s easy to start work in class if you know that the period ends in ten minutes.

The thing to remember with productivity is that it’s different for everyone. So if you want to be productive, try different things and see how it goes for you.