Connecting to the school Wifi can be fast and simple: here are the steps you can follow to easily connect to the Wifi.

  1. From the home page, open Settings
  2. Tap on ‘Wifi’
  3. Multiple SD43 Wifi networks should pop up, click on the network ‘SD43-S’
  4. This should lead you to a login page. Enter your school username and password (your school Microsoft account login) and press ‘Log In’
  5. Ta-da! You should now be connected to the SD43-S Wifi – there should bc a blue checkmark right next to the SD43-S network. Keep in mind, though, that you can only have a max. of 2 devices on your school account login.

Note: There is a difference between the SD43-S, SD43-Guest and SD43 networks. SD43-S is the Wifi network for students, SD43-Guest is the network for people who are visiting the school (and are not students or teachers) and SD43 is the network for teachers or SD43 staff.

Quick Tip: If your device is not connecting to the Wifi, it could be because you already have 2 other devices that are connected on your school account. Try disconnecting one of your other devices.