Northwest Rebellion Timeline

Video featured in the design.





For this project, I found it rather easy to gather reliable sources, as I have just completed a different project based on the Northwest Rebellion. I chose well-known websites that have clear and concise information, and even websites Mr Basso had shown us. I used my knowledge from previous years to pick the best websites I could find using strategies like checking the URL and the publication date.

I chose Canva as my desired medium for this project. I felt as though it had the most options geared towards the message I was trying to convey, with easy layouts and interesting designs. I chose a simple design for my project, using dark gray and white as bases with splashes of aqua. A simple design and black and white pictures draws interest to the eye without making it distracting from the actual information.

I am actually quite happy with the end result of my timeline. I feel as though I was able to play with it enough to express my creative side, and everything is geared towards my aesthetic. The information is just enough to give you a general idea of the event, but isn’t too long to make it more of an essay than a timeline. In the future, to improve this project I would probably spend more time really developing the design aspects to make it stand out, and maybe find a more concise way to deliver the information. I would also aim to do all nine of the topics, and not just seven.


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