Español 11 Romeo y Julieta Reflection/Core Competency Assessment

My artifact, the Romeo y Julieta script

In this assignment, we were tasked with recreating the story of Romeo and Juliet entirely in Spanish using certain reflexive verbs and transitional phrases. Throughout this project, our group struggled to communicate effectively, often sitting for long periods of time without saying anything until someone came up with an idea, which is evident in the mark we received. The mark given on this assignment is an example of how important it is to be able to freely communicate with your groupmates and reread and reflect on your work to ensure it is without mistakes that could have easily been avoided. For example, we missed a mark on the reflexive verbs because I had not proofread my own work and had accidentally wrote down “se hablan” (present tense, which does not agree with the rest of the script/verbs that are in past tense) instead of “se hablaron” (preterite). Additionally, there were many smaller mistakes that could have been negated with ease if I had ensured that everyone within the team had proofread it to ensure there were no small, costly errors. Our collaboration also suffered throughout the course of this assignment due to our team synergy being quite low considering I and one other groupmate do not typically work on assignments together. It was difficult to agree on where to go with the script next, which order to use verbs and transitional phrases in, and how the story should flow, which resulted in my brain being too focused on creating an interesting script rather than a functional one. I also do not work the best under time constraints and felt rushed and paranoid, which caused me to make more errors. Ultimately, if I were to do a project similar to this again, I would have put more effort into effectively communicating with my teammates and carefully rereading my work to ensure silly mistakes do not happen again.


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