Computer Programming 11 Self Assessment

A portion of the code created for this project
An example of the output it provides

When completing this project, I was able to learn about the many intricacies of how functions work and was able to utilize them to create a program that will draw a boat according to the user’s specifications. Throughout the duration of completing this project, I found it difficult to ensure that the turtle did not travel too far or stop too short and properly followed the instructions it was given, but I was able to complete the program and have it function properly nonetheless. One area that I had struggled in was allowing the user to exit the screen using the exitonclick function, seeing as the screen was created with the user’s choice of color inside of a function, therefore making the variable for the screen only exist within that function. In the end, I managed to create a solution for this issue by having each function pass down the variable of the screen until the code was finished. This course has taken me from knowing absolutely nothing about coding to being able to create simple programs that run within a mere few months. I think that I did well on this project and the outcome is made quite well.

  • I can reflect on and evaluate my thinking, products, and actions (Analyze and Critique)
  • I can experiment with different ways of doing things (Develop and Design)
  • I can use my experiences with various steps and attempts to direct my future work (Developing Ideas)
  • I can persevere with challenging tasks (Self-Regulation)
  • I can present information clearly and in an organized way (Acquire, Interpret, and Present Information)

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