Future career

The future career I want is to be an accountant. The steps are pretty simple when it comes down to the basics. Obtaining the degree is the first step. The best option is probably BCIT or SFU. Next is to choose a specialty. I prefer CPA for general reasons and it’s my safest option out there. Pass all the required exams and then you can go find yourself an employer.

English 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

My example is my character reflection sheet for “to kill a mocking bird.” So, I didn’t do the greatest on the character reflection sheet. I’m not the best student and I’m not good at English at all. What I have learned from this though, is a way to work properly and hand in my work on time. When the project was due, I was just talking to my friends while getting almost nothing done. What I learned from this is experience. I can learn through it to become a better student.