Chemistry 12 Edublog Reflection

In lab 19C I showed effective collaboration with my lab partner. We used communication to find the roles each person would do in the lab. I used my critical thinking competency, when observing the precipitates we shared our thoughts and theories about how the precipitates became lighter in each tube. Since the first few tubes with the heavy, silk like, precipitate were the ones with the least diluted solutions, we figured that with each tube the precipitate would be lighter, which was what we observed. We also showed collaboration through making sure we had accurate measurements of our solutions for each test-tube, which is essential to having proper results in the lab. Throughout the Lab 19c, we demonstrated strong examples of critical thinking and collaboration.

I Saw a Perfect tree today: Poetry in voice reflection

My Poem

I saw a perfect tree today



I saw a perfect tree today

From my cabin bed on a Via Rail train 

Through the North of Ontario

I saw a perfect tree today

It was tall and thin and scraggly and prim

Then I saw another just as perfect

Short and sturdy with branches and brambles 

And then another with a rugged fat trunk

Older than the rest, but just as perfect

I saw a dozen trees in a clump sharing the light

So their growth was stunted

But regal they were, plumped and perfect

And then a small twisted tree

with leaves fallen, trunk slanted

all the more perfect

I saw tens and hundreds, and thousands

And hundreds of thousands of trees

Not one single tree exactly like another

And yet they were all perfect, all perfect trees

A man-child from Mississauga heading to bend steel

To make his fortunes in the Alberta oil fields;

“I’ve never seen so many trees in my whole life”

A balding dude 30 years a social worker

Retiring home to Winnipeg, calms;

“Where I come from they cut them all down,

long, long, long before I was born.”

And I am reminded—This land, this land

Where cities have sprouted,

Blooming glistening skyscrapers at night

T’was all covered with trees once

One big forest we were once

All perfect trees.

Curricular Competencies Reflection

When choosing my poem, I was looking for something with 25 or more lines. I searched on the poetry in voice website for a poem which fit the requirements. Beyond that I wanted to recite a poem that covered the themes of beauty. We did numerous in class activities to prepare us for our final recitation. I found that tone mapping the poem helped me to feel more comfortable with the poem. The daily recitation made me feel more comfortable with presenting in front of others. Another strategy that helped me was to write the poem a few times to help with memory. Completing the paragraph gave me a deeper insight into the poem as well as the author. Analyzing the poem helped me to alter my tone map for the presentation.

Core competencies Reflection

I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is when we revised feedback from peers as well as the teacher to improve my work. We did this when reciting our poems.

In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by sharing ideas with my peers. I also do this by asking questions and communicating with my classmates.

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in group and class discussions. I bring forward my ideas as well as listen to what the group has to say.

Titration lab – Chem 11

The primary objective of this laboratory experiment was to perform a titration using Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) to achieve neutralization. To determine the neutralization point, a few drops of phenolphthalein were added to the flask, and the solution’s color change to the lightest shade of pink was sought.

Throughout the titration, my partner and I effectively utilized our communication skills. We engaged in discussions about critical aspects such as ensuring the accuracy of volume readings from the burette, determining the appropriate amount of NaOH to add, and confirming if the meniscus of the HCl solution precisely reached the 10mL mark. Initially, we encountered challenges in obtaining precise results, but through consistent communication and collaboration, we ultimately succeeded in reaching our objectives.

Survivor Reflection

I had the opportunity to listen to a survivor’s story, which was very enlightening. The experience made me aware of the importance of self-awareness, which is part of the Personal and Social Competency. It is crucial to recognize how our emotions and thoughts can influence our behavior and interactions with others, and by doing so, we can respond to situations more positively. The survivor’s story also demonstrated the significance of critical thinking, which is a component of the Thinking Competency. She emphasized the need to question beliefs and values that led to her abusive situation, and the importance of analyzing information in a thoughtful and systematic manner to make well-reasoned decisions. This experience highlighted the strength and resilience of the human spirit and showed how hope and perseverance can help overcome adversity.

The Simpsons

My Analysis

Creating and Communication

Throughout our Simpsons unit I had a chance to expand my knowledge on irony, satire and allusions. When watching The Simpsons it was interesting to see examples of these literary devices in comedy. There were ample situations in the show where allusions were used. There were references to Playboy magazine, Scooby Doo, and other popular books and movies. I got to see the use of verbal, dramatic and situational irony. I also got to understand how satire and how humour can be used to make real changes in our world. I expressed my ideas in this expository essay by using examples of irony, satire and allusion found in the episodes we watched. The strategies I used to give my writing clarity was to check my work before handing it in and limiting the amount of unnecessary words used.

Core Competency Reflection

I used evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this expository write. I did this by using a scrap piece of paper to brainstorm my thoughts and give my work a rough outline before starting my essay.

I can describe how satire, irony and/or allusion relates to The Simpsons. I was able to demonstrate this with my in class write where I described specific situations where satire, irony and allusions were used.

I respectfully advocate for my needs by reaching out and communicating with my teachers when I am confused about an assignment.

Minecraft project


During this project our group had great communication skills. We showcased this by sharing ideas, as well as critiques to make them better. We shared our work equally and worked well as a group.

Personal and social

Our group was very aware socially and personally. We demonstrated this awareness trough setting specific times to work on this project outside of class. We also demonstrated this by completing our share of the work on this project.


Through this assignment our team showed an understanding and competency in thinking skills. We spent time brainstorming as well as coming up with creative ways to execute our minecraft world. This skill was also shown when we spent time researching energy transfers and transformations.

Our project

My Model Town

Creating a model factory/company town: (Information Fluency)

Name of the town: Bakersville

Company Name: Bakersville Inc.

Resources available: Wheat, Strawberries, Beef.

Elements of the town: housing, farmland, lake, church

Population: 42

Explanation / Brief History: Bakersville is a medival town that was founded by Sir Ivanworks in 1832. Sir Ivanworks is a devoutly religous man, meaning that church is mandatory for everyone in Bakersville as well as a tithe that makes up for 50 percent of their income. Anyone who works in the church is considered nobility. Farmers and factory workers work long days and get little pay. Anyone who speaks against Sir Ivanworks is fined or banished from Bakersville.

Media Fluency

A. How was the ease of access in building the town, and what software did you use specifically? B. Were you able to apply the skills you learned in the planning stages appropriately to a digital environment? C. What were the sources you researched that made this an “authentic make-believe” town? D. Is there other software online that could have done the job better? Explain.

To create my model town I used Minecraft. I chose to use Minecraft because I have used it before and really enjoyed it. During the planning stages of this assignment I sketched out an image of what I wanted my town to look like which definitely helped me transfer it onto a computer. With the help of Mrs. Mattson teaching and the book “Lyddie” I made my town as authentic as possible. There isn’t another software that would have done a better job because, Minecraft is easy to use and it offers many different things that you are able to use with you own creative liberty.