Textiles Arts and Crafts Core Competency Self-Assessment

Thinking Skills

Cross Stitch Winnie The Pooh
  1. The textiles project I chose to reflect on is my cross stitch project. I believe this project highlights my thinking skills.

2. I decided to create a cross stitch Winnie The Pooh. I was skeptical of if I was going to enjoy cross stitch or if it would be too difficult so I browsed Pinterest for designs. I found one which I thought was simple enough so I gave it a try. After I was almost done I wanted to cut my project out and add a border but I wasn’t sure how. I asked my friend if she could show me and she did a couple stitches as I watched. Soon I got the hang of it and was able to add the blue border you see. In the back of my project there were many loose and tangled strings, so next time I would make sure I am keeping those neat so they don’t become a big knot in the back. When I first started my project I was having to take out stitches and redo them because I wasn’t getting the spacing right, I used a pen to mark out the correct spots which helped me become successful. I was very happy with how this project came out and I want to try doing cross stitch again in the future.

Textiles Arts and Crafts Core Competency Self-Assessment

Communication Competency

My paper quilled butterfly!

  1. Artifact: Paper Quilling

2. Explanation: I selected the Communication Competency to reflect on. This was my very first time paper quilling and I found there were many times where I faced a problem. I used communication skills to help me overcome those challenges. For example, when I could not figure out how to successfully glue in all of my paper quilled pieces into the wing of the butterfly, I decided to ask around and see if any of my peers had ideas. I communicated with the people around me and they had given me some very useful advice that eventually helped me be successful.