Cooking at Home #1

This is Igado, it’s popular for its liver in the Philipines but i didn’t put any liver whatsoever because i don’t like it. So it’s just pork, green pepper, carrots, green peas etc. Usually I would put dry bay leaves but we ran out but this was delicious. I ad a hard time pouring the right amount of vinegar and soy sauce but my grandma showed and helped me with it so i handled it pretty well! This dish is also my favourite filipino food!

Cooking at home #1

Foods Cooking #7

So it was my birthday on the 31st of May and they cooked a lot of dishes so for the rest of the week, we didn’t really cook cuz there were leftovers.  

This is honestly kind of a family tradition! When theres an event, we filipinos always have pancit (noodles, bottom left), barbecue, spring rolls, chickens and of course rice but we did forget one dish which was spaghetti but filipino style :(.

But basically, I helped with the lumpia (spring rolls) I help putting the meat on the roll thingy and rolled it then cooked it. I also helped with the barbecue and I cooked the rice. Then my Dad, My aunt, my grandma did the rest while I threw the garbage and cleaned the table because we filipinos go all out when there’s an event. I also vacuumed the house since family friends were coming over. I cleaned the windows and the glass doors.  Then after the party, I helped clean up the paper plates and threw them, I also wiped the table because it was dirty and I helped my mom with the dishes.  

Cooking at home #4

so this was the leftover meat and chickens in the freezer!!! so we decided to fry them. I basically just mixed the chicken with the flour chicken and it was kinda messy hehehe because i’m very clumsy so the flour was everywhere so my grandma took over and did the rest. I cleaned up the mess and the dishes of course.

in the kitchen (April 27 – May 3 )

I’m going to be honest, my grandma is the cooker in the house but i did help on quite a few things. I washed dishes and helped to cut some of the ingredients!! like the pork and the potatoes!! and for the cassava cake! i just helped combining the grated cheese, butter, milk, a portion of the cheese, eggs, sugar and coconut milk! it’s my mom’s recipe so my mom did the rest but i helped with the clean up!

Cooking at home #2 // Working as a team!

We made sinigang! Sinigang is a filipino pork soup or stew characterized by its sour and savoury taste. Yes, i’ve been asked to learn to cook this so many times but i refused until now because I had no choice. I helped by gathering ingredients and cleaning up. I didn’t really do the big tasks such as cutting the pork and such. Uhm no, my responsibilities hasn’t really changed. It was a very easy task. Nope, i did not face any challenges!

Cooking at Home #1

I made turon (filipino snack) in english, it’s fritters in lumpiya wrapper. It is rolled in a spring roll wrapper and fried and it has a filling of a banana inside. it is dusted with brown sugar. Turon is really popular in the Philippines, it’s considered one of the most popular street food in the Philippines. The recipe is pretty straightforward but i had to ask my grandma to make sure i was doing it right. I would not change anything at all, it was perfect! it was sweet and crunchy, it was very delicious. I didn’t really have any challenges. The final product is definitely the greatest success. It’s literally my favourite filipino snack so I’m very proud that i was able to make it! 🙂

Safety & Sanitation

The lab went very well. We were fast and very cooperative. The scones turned out well, it tasted so good. We didn’t really have any sanitation concerns. We washed our hands well, hair was tied, sleeves were rolled up. It’s very important to was your hands before cooking or baking because you don’t want all the germs to transfer from your hands into your food. You don’t want to catch a virus and get sick.

Knife skills

The lab was somewhat chaotic. The omelette was very good but we had to wash extra dishes. it was a challege because we had to clean a lot of dishes bout other than that, everything went well. We used the dice cut method for the vegetables. Since, we only had 1 egg, usung the dice cut method made it easier because it was smaller and