My Tribute Costume

My Design My personality is a bit versatile, I can be very closed but sometimes open to others. I don’t let people in on me easily, but I’m open to talk to anyone most of the time. I’d say I’m more on the introverted side, as much as I like talking to new people; it can stress me out sometimes. I like spending time alone for my self when I do most activities, like working and doing tasks; but not all the time. Sometimes I can get overwhelmed and need my close ones to be there for me; sometimes just for their company even. I treasure my close friends and family the most because they’re the ones who’ve stuck by me and dealt with me the longest. Being with them almost feels like home; I feel comfortable enough with them, to be myself. I wouldn’t say I have a lot of skills, but in a situation like the Hunger Games, I think I’d be able to adapt. I can be very quiet, so I feel like that would be an advantage, since I’d be able to sneak around or sneak up on others without them noticing. I’m kind of a crafty person too, I’ve crafted things by hand since I was a kid. So I think that would come in handy with creating weapons or shelters in the Hunger Games.

Reflection What’s innovative about my tribute costume is that I have a cat mask and devil horns on. I chose to have the cat mask on, almost to hide myself so that the other tributes don’t really have an idea of what I look like. I also feel like the devil horns give off a scary vibe, which could scare off other tributes. The cat mask could also work as protection for my face in case things are coming at me. The way I generated ideas was by scrolling and clicking through the items that the character creator had. As I scrolled and went through the items, I thought of how it could add to my costume and benefit me in the Hunger Games. What I enjoy the most about my visual representation is that I look mysterious but also mischievous and fierce. My mask would make tributes wonder who is under the mask and what my face looks like. On the other hand, my devil horns and bright red claws make me seem a bit intimidating. What I’d improve next time is, possibly making myself or my dog more camouflaged, so that we’d blend in more within the wild. What I learnt through this process is that, you have to be creative and think about what good use you could possibly make out of each item on your body. The Hunger Games is pretty serious, so having the items you’re wearing, serve a purpose will help you out a lot. I feel pretty good about my tribute costume. I figured out how I would use each item to my advantage in the Hunger Games.


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