English 11 Poetry Reflection

My poem

This poem I created is about Vietnamese coffee, a delicious beverage I enjoy daily

Curricular Competencies Reflection

The overall purpose of this poem was to use various poetic devices to personify an everyday item and create strong imagery in the reader’s mind. This poem is intended for those who enjoy Vietnamese coffee or want to try it in the future. I wanted to demonstrate the process of making the beverage by bringing it to life and describing the various ways one can interact with it. The lines where I describe the coffee’s impact on my body are personal because it is my own take on how it affects me and energizes my body when it is drained and deprived. I planned this poem by first gathering my ideas and jotting down the steps and aspects of making a cup of coffee. Then from there, I developed my ideas further by adding poetic devices and rearranging words. To make my poem engaging I used words that would allow the readers to feel or understand how the coffee tastes or feels, regardless of whether they have ever tried it before. I used metaphors and personification to paint images in the readers’ minds of the dark dripped coffee, and how the coffee interacts with my tastebuds.

Creative Thinking Core Competency Reflection

I chose my topic by thinking about what inanimate objects I utilize or interact with in my daily life that hold importance to me. My mind went to the Vietnamese coffee that I make and drink every morning. I formed my ideas by first writing out the steps I take, from grinding coffee beans to sweetening them with condensed milk. After that, I expanded on those ideas by including my personal feelings and adding poetic devices to give them more depth and detail. Strategies that helped me stimulate my ideas were bouncing ideas off my friends and reading more personification poems. Both strategies enabled me to illustrate ideas in new ways. What makes my poem innovative is that the tone switches throughout the poem, making it more captivating as it conveys various emotions. Lastly, I believe I could improve the poem’s flow by balancing out the ideas throughout.
