Titrations Lab 20C

Curricular Competency Explanation

A titration is the process of discovering the molarity a substance by adding a substance in which molarity/concentration is already known to the mix using a burette until both substances hit an “equivalence point” where both chemicals are able to neutralize each other. The titration was used in this lab to find the exact amount of sodium chloride. You know when you reach the end point or equivalence point when while swirling, the light pink color last for about 20 seconds and the lighter it is initially, the better. Our molarity of our HCl was off as we ran out of time but the final molarity we calculated was 0.1495 M.

Core Competency Reflection

Reflecting and Assessing:

I believe I am fulfilling the reflecting and assessing core competency as I learn from my mistakes as I made a ton of mistakes in this lab and I can think of easier more effective ways to pull off what I was doing before. The next time if I were to do this lab I would be much more efficient with time usage and actual technique in titrations.


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