Law – Desert Island

Desert Island Artifact

Deserted Island.docx

About The Activity

The activity starts with a fabricated situation and the circumstances regarding the situation. Our law class plus Mr. Ruditsch (obviously because he is a legend) are stranded on an island somewhere in Australia where all resources necessary for survival are obtainable. The activity is to create a legal code to make the island survivable and functioning until help comes to rescue (hopefully). And afterwards compare with other legal codes and test the functionality.

Core Competency Reflection

I can reflect on my thinking. – After researching and comparing other codes of law, I can reflect and see my flaws of my own code and pros.

I can understand that learning is continuous and my identity will continue to evolve. – I look back at the project and can realize that I now could make the project so much better and that’s how I know that my knowledge has developed.

I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. – I can use the ideas of previous legal codes to formulate my own code of law.

I can develop a body of creative work over time. – I can use my time to create a more intricate piece of work. I covered many parts and made a legal code.

I can work to inform myself about issues surrounding me. – My goal is to be able to deeply understand the problems and be more immersed so I can make a more effective laws or rules.


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