A&P CC Self Assessment


Piggy Dissection (Joti)


Collaboration on the pig dissection project required clearly defined roles, with me focusing on the dissection and my partner working on the paperwork. To stay on track, we established clear targets and communicated on a regular basis. We encountered and resolved misunderstandings by consulting resources and our instructor, as well as improving our communication skills by verbalizing observations. Sharing ideas through talks and using technology to document helped us stay organized. To improve our teamwork, we plan to better balance the workload, prepare more completely, manage time effectively, and establish regular feedback sessions on future projects.


Critical and reflective thinking was essential for our pig dissection assignment. To address challenges and precisely identify anatomical components, we took a systematic strategy that included the use of guides and resources. Our teachers feedback helped us better our approaches, and additional study enhanced our comprehension. For future initiatives, we intend to increase our planning and create regular reflection sessions to continuously improve our strategy and outcomes.


During the pig dissection assignment, I helped my peers by sharing materials and providing instruction, creating a collaborative learning atmosphere. I enthusiastically participated in class discussions, adding to the cheerful mood. I made sure that everyone felt at ease sharing their opinions by acting respectfully and inclusively. Working closely with my partner and students improved our connections and sense of community. For future efforts, I hope to engage the entire class more to promote collective learning and create community relationships.


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