A&P CC Self Assessment


Piggy Dissection (Joti)


Collaboration on the pig dissection project required clearly defined roles, with me focusing on the dissection and my partner working on the paperwork. To stay on track, we established clear targets and communicated on a regular basis. We encountered and resolved misunderstandings by consulting resources and our instructor, as well as improving our communication skills by verbalizing observations. Sharing ideas through talks and using technology to document helped us stay organized. To improve our teamwork, we plan to better balance the workload, prepare more completely, manage time effectively, and establish regular feedback sessions on future projects.


Critical and reflective thinking was essential for our pig dissection assignment. To address challenges and precisely identify anatomical components, we took a systematic strategy that included the use of guides and resources. Our teachers feedback helped us better our approaches, and additional study enhanced our comprehension. For future initiatives, we intend to increase our planning and create regular reflection sessions to continuously improve our strategy and outcomes.


During the pig dissection assignment, I helped my peers by sharing materials and providing instruction, creating a collaborative learning atmosphere. I enthusiastically participated in class discussions, adding to the cheerful mood. I made sure that everyone felt at ease sharing their opinions by acting respectfully and inclusively. Working closely with my partner and students improved our connections and sense of community. For future efforts, I hope to engage the entire class more to promote collective learning and create community relationships.

RipRap: Poetry in Voice Reflection

My poem

Curricular Competency Reflection

I chose my poem based off of my interest in outer space. Initially I thought the theme of the poem was about the universe and its laws, however as i went on to studying the poem I found out that it was instead a poem about riprap or a picture of where Gary Snyder was sitting and watching.

Laurel really helped me memorize my poem. She pushed me to keep going on and effectively assisted me to memorize the poem.

I would constantly question how the writer would recite his poem. So outside of class I would repeat to myself and change different tones until it sounded right.

The in class write helped me as I then researched the different words used in this poem and their different meanings. I connected them and found out that he was explaining how riprap was formed, its life, and its legacy.

Core Competency Reflection

This is how I select images and words to create impact for different audiences: I choose to emphasize or create a pause for the audience to absorb what I portray. For example, before the “:” in my poem, I chose to take a pause and emphasize what I say to let the audience know that it was an intro, an instruction by me.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I look at Laurel and realize how easy it should be for me compared to hers 😑. I look at her way of memorizing and try for myself. (You should give her extending).

I appreciate feedback on… My tone and mood of the poem and prefer it comes in the form of… constructive criticism. For example when I sounded dumb, Laurel would call me a dimwit (thats a joke), and then I would immediately know what to work on.

Spoken Language 11 Debating

My Debate Topic

Mandatory participation in a class focused mainly on indigenous content should be required for graduation.

Taylor M.Danny
Lukas Enrico

The main point of my con side was that it takes away students rights for their academic freedom and superficial engagement and unauthentic learning. I made the example of a math question and used a forgotten formula to compare and represent unauthentic learning. The pros side argued that people need to know about this and its for reconciliation.

My Debate Reflection

Debating helped me learn that a a good hook can determine the rest of your argument. The difference between a good hook and a hook is huge and in my opinion, my hook was successful and I am proud of it. Before I defaulted to asking a simple question as a hook and sure, it worked as a hook, but it definitely would not work to hook. A hook that draws in the viewer to question and wonder, actively thinking about the connection of what I’m saying versus my topic, is an excellent hook.

The Best Resource I Found


Surprisingly, a resource that has no connection to my topic helped my understanding of my arguments and my topic. Connecting two different things takes critical thinking and understanding of both things to find the similarities that assist my point. It did not give me evidence on why my argument is correct but the reason why I chose this is because it helped me understand it instead.

My Favourite Quote

Indigenous peoples are people who should be looked up to, respected, and admired.

Danny Pal

This helped me set the tone of my argument and show that my argument is not of resentment but facts and reasoning for the benefit of the students. I tried to be as respectful as possible with my argument and this is the quote that shows my effort.

Works Cited

APA PsycNethttps://psycnet.apa.org/record/2009-03772-005. Accessed 29 May 2023.

Bernstein, Larry. “What Is Student Engagement and Why Does It Matter?” Xello, 8 Apr. 2022, //xello.world/en-ca/blog/student-engagement/what-is-student-engagement/.

“Maths Formulas For Class 9 | List of Important Formulas for Grade 9.” BYJUS, 2 Jan. 2020, https://byjus.com/maths/maths-formulas-for-class-9/.

Offering & Managing Student Choice | SFUSDhttps://www.sfusd.edu/learning/resources-learning/google-resources-sfusd/google-instruction/offering-managing-student-choice#:~:text=Student%20choice%20simply%20means%20giving,how%20or%20what%20they%20learn. Accessed 29 May 2023.

“The Importance of Learner Engagement on Performance.” TalentLMShttps://www.talentlms.com/ebook/learner-engagement/importance-learner-engagement-performance. Accessed 29 May 2023.

Core Competencies Reflection

My strategies for collecting relevant information when I researched for my debate include thinking critically on what points should be said and shouldn’t and then gathering evidence afterwards.

If there was a disagreement with my partner, I found it helpful to talk to him directly. If I talk to him directly I can incorporate both my part and his part to get the most built product.

I remain open minded as I explored my topic and how I would develop my argument as evidenced by thinking outside the box. to develop my argument while gaining the audiences understanding and evidence I put an interesting and connective point as well as a whole part where I respect my topic. Land acknowledgment and respect for indigenous.

This part of debating stimulated my imagination by making me look at both perspectives of the argument. The rebuttal portion of the debate which I was responsible for forced me to think of creative ways my opponents would try to argue against my side.

Personal Connection Piece

My Movie

Curricular Competency Reflection

The journals kept me in check with the story and had me deeply think about the concepts and the book itself to strengthen my knowledge of the book. The graphic organizer helped me cite sources within the book and other articles. The circles preparing me for the essay was beneficial as I could use others ideas to expand my own or find completely new perspectives on the book or themes of the book I could never see myself. My family built what I am today and the connection to my cousin and his passion for cultures connected the book and I.

Core Competency Reflection

An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is… When we used discussion circles. In the discussion circles we would discuss ideas and connections and connect to those ideas and connections. I use those perspectives of other people to strengthen my own idea as I have evidence to my claim as another person agrees.

I have valuable ideas to share about… My connections from the book and article/s and/or personal connections, and do so by… preparing my graphic organizer and discussing the ideas I brain-stormed in the circles we have.

I appreciate feedback on… my speaking and presenting skills, and prefer it comes in the form of… criticism no matter how harsh it is. As long as I can better myself, I personally don’t worry about how I’m taking it. For example, when our class shared our passions, people would write and note things down on what I should improve for next time. That is a good example of criticism for me.

CPR Reflection

CPR Reflection

  1. I learned important signs for either a stroke or heart attack. I am grateful that I learned how to tell a stroke and a heart attack apart as I live with my grandfather and if anything would happen, I would know what is happening and how to prevent further problems.
  2. The key takeaway to me for practical and theory are the signs and mechanics for CPR and people who are choking.
  3. A proper diet can prevent or lower chances for heart attack. With a good diet, you can lower cholesterol levels, which in turn can prevent artery blockage.

Core Competency Reflection

  1. I work with others to achieve a goal. I can cooperate and work with other students to achieve one mutual goal. Ie, practicals and acting for the practical itself.
  2. I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. I receive help and cooperation from my group members and in exchange, give my cooperation and help them as well.
  3. I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. I can read through and share my thoughts on the booklet in ways others can understand. I can help others by sharing known knowledge.
  4. I find it easy to be part of a group. I can connect with others in a positive way. I can find ways to keep everyone included to be more of a group.

I can ask open-ended questions to gather information.
I can work on asking questions during class time to gather information that can help me. I can work on this by getting used to and making it a habit to become comfortable with raising my hand for things I am unsure of.