Our Utopian City Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Our Values:
Health in this city is portrayed by our blue hospital and is the top left building. Health is very important in our city because being healthy is a human need, in this city health is very important to it because it is always snowing and sickness is all around.

Safety and trust is shown in this city by how small it is, since the city is so small, everyone trust each other and feels safe to be near/with them. Why safety and trust is so important to the well being of people living here and the city itself, is because if you don’t trust your neighbors or feel safe to be around them, why would you ever want to live there.

The entertainment in our ideal city is located in parks, school fields, and even outside your house. Because it’s mostly always snowing in Aloe Vera, the people of Aloe Vera can play snowball fights and winter activities during the long months of winter. Our schools have fields and underground facilities that include gyms, more classrooms, and libraries.

Community is very crucial for our city because if there was no community it would be a ghost town or an empty town but with the community the town is way more fulfilled and better. it is represented where the people are having a snowball fight and the people skiing because they have all come together to do something.

Friendship in the city can be anywhere, because it’s a relatively small city, everyone knows each other. It’s easy to hang out with your friends because houses are so close together. Friendship can flourish in parks, the schools, and their house neighbourhood. The mall can also be a place where friendship can flourish because that’s where people can hang around and go shopping together.

Communication Reflection

This project is about how we visualize our ideal city and our values in our ideal city. The city can be what we believe in, what we enjoy, and/or what we want. We created an ideal city for all three of us using citycreator.com. We thought that citycreator would be easier to work on for all of us because it would be easier to access.

We communicated through Discord, a voice chat application. We all had Discord so we thought that it would be better than just using our cell phone numbers. We shared our ideas and sprouted off of each idea to make a more complex idea. Through this process, we created multiple smaller ideas to add/remove.

We never assigned any roles in this project but instead contributed a small part in each part of the project. If we felt we weren’t doing much, we would move onto another part and do that instead. We all created ideas with each other and that’s how we made sure that everyone could contribute. We each did a little part of each idea to complete that part of the project.

We had fun together while working. We all knew each other from before so there were no time where we were embarrased to share our ideas, which made us more efficient. Although we were sometimes fooling, we made very good progress together during class time and were pretty fast.

We had no problems or conflicts during this project. A main reason why was because of our process and how we created things in the project. We never had much problems. We made and shared ideas together and branched off of the main ideas so we all had a part in the project making. We never excluded an idea of our members so we never had any problems.

I was very satisfied with the final product as it was fun and it shows what we put in it for fun (creepy santa watching kids play snowball fight). It was a smooth process and was very fast and efficient (somewhat). We did fool around a little at the start and that’s something we could’ve not done, but it was fun.

My Bio…

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world. Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

Guatama buddha

Hey, I’m Danny. I’m a 9th grade Centennial student, and I love to game or play sports with friends. I usually like hanging out with friends or chilling alone. I also love listening to Kpop, as it puts me in a good mood. The things I want to get better at this year is learning through technology. I love creating/building/making things that require patience, precision, and/or skill.

My Favorite Website…


I love YouTube because you can do so many things with it. You can watch for entertainment, learn, create, and many many more! The most favorite of all things I like about YouTube is that you can see the rest of the world while at home!

My Favorite Video…

My goal for this year is to learn how to program and create games from unity just like the creator of this video.

My Favorite Song

My Favorite Image…

I like this image because Gundam motivates me to do better and work harder in school. If I do good then I get a new model to build!

Do or do not, there is no try…


I love this quote not only because I’m a huge fan of Star Wars, but also because to me it means “Don’t stop because you’re tired, keep going because you’re almost there.” and motivates me a whole bunch.


