R1 – じょすうし

  • What are the pros and cons of having individual counters?

Having lots of individual counters also means memorizing lots of these counters. It can be confusing. However, it allows a way to express plurality.

  • Discuss 5 different counters from the 350 Japanese Counters article
  1. ほん – counter for long stick-shaped things.
  2. わ – counter for things with wings (birds).
  3. えん – counter for money.
  4. あく – counter for powder, rice, sand.
  5. え – counter for overlapping things (doubling, tripling, etc.)
  • What is a counter that you wish existed in English? How does it work?

I wish there was also a counter for long stick-shaped things. You could add “stick” to the end of the counter number. For example, if I wanted 3 pencils – “can I have 3 stick pencils”.


Independent Studying

  • What did you do well and how can you improve your Japanese study habits.

I studied… By studying harder such as daily practice up to 30 minutes per day I could improve my Japanese drastically.

Core Competency Reflection

An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is… the marugoto self study program helped me learn a lot about sports and emails. I think that the emails part of the topic will be helpful for me in the future if I choose to go to Japan to adventure.

Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are… my abilities to use resources such is imiwa?, midori, and etc. to help me write things.

When faced with ambiguity or setbacks, I… often take the time to think and reflect rationally on the root of the problem to advance the development of my ideas.   

  • How will you continue your Japanese language acquisition over the year?

I will watch anime and continue to read more Japanese novels to learn about the culture and traditions of Japan.

  • If you could travel back in time, what study/language advice would you give yourself or others? 

Put time and effort towards it otherwise you’ll be in a slump (not like me of course).

Reflection 1 – うらない

In my opinion, each type of horoscope, personality types, and etc. are all applicable to everyone and so I believe that my personality type is an accurate description of me but so are many other types. I have never judged anyone or have been judged based off of my horoscope or personality type seriously or really at all. To me the fortunes are interesting because it could tell you really interesting things that you could totally agree about which makes it special.