Life Saving Measures

This meme represents CPR because you can use CPR on someone who is drowning :p

I can take away the procedure from the CPR demonstration as it was a refresher and review on the procedure I learned before. I can be more comfortable with CPR and if someone were to be unconscious I’d be less hesitant to act. I also learned new things on the subject as well. The new procedure is CCC – continuous compressions but the old procedure i knew was 30-2 – 30 compressions and two breaths. This makes me more comfortable to start CPR on anyone as I know that I wont have to have any mouth to mouth contact.

These sessions make me way more comfortable to try on my own to save another’s life without hesitating and every second matters when they are unconscious and don’t have blood circulating.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements.

I understand how the law and procedures work around CPR and now that I know that I am protected by the law, I don’t have to be afraid that I will be charged or sued for trying to save their life. I can now perceive situations on a different level and understand what steps to take first based on the situation.