Personal Connection Piece

My Movie

Curricular Competency Reflection

The journals kept me in check with the story and had me deeply think about the concepts and the book itself to strengthen my knowledge of the book. The graphic organizer helped me cite sources within the book and other articles. The circles preparing me for the essay was beneficial as I could use others ideas to expand my own or find completely new perspectives on the book or themes of the book I could never see myself. My family built what I am today and the connection to my cousin and his passion for cultures connected the book and I.

Core Competency Reflection

An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is… When we used discussion circles. In the discussion circles we would discuss ideas and connections and connect to those ideas and connections. I use those perspectives of other people to strengthen my own idea as I have evidence to my claim as another person agrees.

I have valuable ideas to share about… My connections from the book and article/s and/or personal connections, and do so by… preparing my graphic organizer and discussing the ideas I brain-stormed in the circles we have.

I appreciate feedback on… my speaking and presenting skills, and prefer it comes in the form of… criticism no matter how harsh it is. As long as I can better myself, I personally don’t worry about how I’m taking it. For example, when our class shared our passions, people would write and note things down on what I should improve for next time. That is a good example of criticism for me.