Core Competency Goals

Examples of where I do not communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in my English essays. My goal is to communicate clearly and purposefully in my English essays. Sometimes it is difficult to create a strong thesis statement. Sometimes I go off on a tangent about a certain detail in my essays. Transition sentences into paragraphs can also be difficult for me. I am going to always make a rough draft of my essays first. Edit my work and take out parts that are not necessary. Then write or type out my second draft. Edit one more time and focus on my transition sentences for paragraphs. Type out my finished essay, look it over and fix any errors or mistakes. 

I show that I value feedback from others in my group by listening and accepting feedback. My goal is to show that I value feedback by listening and accepting feedback. Sometimes I do not really listen to feedback when I am rushed or nervous about something. For example, in art I was rushing to finish a standing pose of a person. A person at my table said that I should fix the shoulders and make them less round. I did not have a lot of time to fix it, so I did not fix it. I regret not fixing it now because it was in fact too round. For the next time when I get feedback I will listen to the person and fix it right away. I will not regret listening to them. 

An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is in art. My goal is to build upon someone else’s ideas in art class. Sometimes I hit a creative block and I do not know what to add to my art piece. Other people at my table get innovative ideas to add to their art pieces. I do not want to steal their ideas, but I could add upon them. It could help them, which could also help me. They could make their ideas better and I could add something to my art using my idea.  

Here’s an example of a piece of art where I let someone help me.

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