Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical/Reflective Thinking

For the assignment above, I had to apply my knowledge from the cell membrane unit and use it to understand the assignment. For me this was quite difficult to do. I had to really think about what I was going to say. The data table we were given gave us enough information to answer the questions. Also the notes we had taken in class was also going to help you answer the questions. Also the graph was a bit difficult to do. I couldn’t really figure out where to put the x and y-axis. Then I realized the x-axis needs to be in the middle of the graph because their was negative numbers. In this assignment I learned how to apply my knowledge and answer questions thoroughly and to the point.

Core Competencies – Studio Art 11/12

Thinking: Creative Thinking I can get new ideas or reinterpret others’ ideas in novel ways. Watercolor Painting I got innovative ideas from others and changed them in some way. For the flowers I did not know what kind of flowers to do. My group mate suggested I paint roses, but I could not paint roses. So, I changed the shape of the petals to something easier to paint. I kept the color of a rose but just changed the petals. 

Metal Art Edublog Post

For my rose/vase project in metal art I learned how to use a lot of different tools. I learned how to use a sawdering iron, a MiG welder, wire wheel, jeweler torch, and a sander/grinder. I learned all the basic skills for these tools/machines and I practiced using them. I also learned all the safety procedures for all the machines/tools. I took all the quizzes for each machine to make sure I understand all the safety procedures. The things I like about my project are my MIG welds because they were all small welds which aren’t very noticeable. I also like how clean my project was at the end. I spent a lot of time to make sure there was no dirt or grime on any of the metal. I didn’t really like my sawders because the metal wasn’t hot enough for the sawder to work properly. So their was a lot of sawder around the leaf in the middle of the rose. Overall I was quite happy with how it turned out.

Core Competency Goals

Examples of where I do not communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in my English essays. My goal is to communicate clearly and purposefully in my English essays. Sometimes it is difficult to create a strong thesis statement. Sometimes I go off on a tangent about a certain detail in my essays. Transition sentences into paragraphs can also be difficult for me. I am going to always make a rough draft of my essays first. Edit my work and take out parts that are not necessary. Then write or type out my second draft. Edit one more time and focus on my transition sentences for paragraphs. Type out my finished essay, look it over and fix any errors or mistakes. 

I show that I value feedback from others in my group by listening and accepting feedback. My goal is to show that I value feedback by listening and accepting feedback. Sometimes I do not really listen to feedback when I am rushed or nervous about something. For example, in art I was rushing to finish a standing pose of a person. A person at my table said that I should fix the shoulders and make them less round. I did not have a lot of time to fix it, so I did not fix it. I regret not fixing it now because it was in fact too round. For the next time when I get feedback I will listen to the person and fix it right away. I will not regret listening to them. 

An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is in art. My goal is to build upon someone else’s ideas in art class. Sometimes I hit a creative block and I do not know what to add to my art piece. Other people at my table get innovative ideas to add to their art pieces. I do not want to steal their ideas, but I could add upon them. It could help them, which could also help me. They could make their ideas better and I could add something to my art using my idea.  

Here’s an example of a piece of art where I let someone help me.

Independent Novel Study Review


The Writing Process

When I was writing my book report I had to leave out a lot of details. I found it difficult to take out parts of the book. I wanted to include many details. When I first started my presentation I was nervous. My voice was shaky in the beginning. I did enjoy talking about the initiating incident and rising action.

Core Competency Reflection

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include using sticky notes for my book report. It helped me decide which part of the book was important. An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is the holocaust. I took Genocide Studies 12 last semester and I have a lot of valuable information about many genocides. I show others that I truly value their contributions by listening to feedback. Two of my friends edited my book report and I changed things around.

My Digital Footprint

Today I will be talking about digital footprint but what does digital footprint mean. Digital footprint is defined as the information about a particular person that exists on the Internet as a result of their online activity. I had to look up my own name and see what came up about me. I was quite surprised to see all the information they had. They’re were things about the Coquitlam Minor Softball, all the dance rewards at competitions, trial over E. coli, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace. Google had come up with about 53 results for just searching up my name.

I believe that my digital footprint has appeared to be portrayed as a good example of what a good digital footprint should look like. I will talk about the control of identity for my digital footprint. I don’t put information about what my name is, where I’m from, and what school I go to. The reason why is because of privacy reasons; you don’t want to show people everything about you.

Next I will talk about how my digital footprint might affect my future opportunities. Firstly my future education, I really want to become an orthopedic surgeon and I have to go through 16 years of school to pursue my dream job. So having a good digital footprint would be good to have to get into a good university. Secondly I will talk about post-secondary school applications. Having a bad digital footprint can really impact whether or not you get into a university. Next I will talk about job and career prospects. For example if you graduate from Harvard top of your class, your prospects look great. My plan is to go to SFU or UBC for 4 years then go to the University of California. Those are really big goals and I need to have a clean digital footprint in order to achieve that. It also could effect family and friends because your friends could be following you on Instagram and you could be posting bad things and they might not get a job because of you.

A few strategies I have learned during this experience that keeps your media accounts safe is to use a nickname for a any account. You wouldn’t want to tell people your first and last name. Next is to check your privacy settings to make sure it is a private account instead of a public account. Lastly you must have strong passwords. Something that someone would not be able to guess. Some information I would tell to other people is to try to google yourself. They’re might not be a lot of information about you but they’re also could be a lot of information about you. Secondly don’t tell people to much information about you because someone could use that information and find out where you live. Lastly is to build a good reputation through your behavior. If you are going to comment on something say nice things to the person you are communicating with. Thank you for reading My Digital Footprint.