Music Monday “Land” Map Assignment: Self-Assessment

Curricular Response

I chose the quote “From California to New York Island”, because it represents that all the land between those points was taken away from indigenous peoples. I drew a line from California to New York Island to highlight the distance between the two. Secondly, to represent the states, I drew the California Republic flag and the Statue of Liberty for New York. I wanted to demonstrate, when we think of these places we symbolize them with flags or monuments. However, we typically do not think of the indigenous people who discovered the land. Even though history states, the Europeans crossed the Atlantic Ocean, and discovered America, they were not the first ones there. The indigenous peoples were the first to inhabit the land.

Core Competency

At first, I struggled with deciding what images to use. I chose my quotations but could not come up with the right images to represent them. I read over the two songs a few times, and wrote down some notes regarding what the songs meant literally and figuratively. This helped me sort through my thoughts and decide which images I wanted to incorporate. Additionally, I found it helpful to bounce my ideas off others, while brainstorming.


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