English 10 Final Reflection

My Artifact:

This is a comic strip story my partner and i made in English about heartbreak

Curricular Competencies Reflection

During this assignment I learned how to properly work with a partner to create a short story. I feel that I have grown in my writing skills doing this assignment by learning how to share a lot of information without having to write too many words in the story. What i have learned in writing is valuable because it will help me write good short stories in the future.

Core Competencies Reflection

During this assignment I demonstrated the thinking core competency when coming up with all of the ideas in my story. My partner and I had many routes we were going to take for our stories plot, but ended up choosing the one did after a peaceful debate and because it was the most drastic route and thought it would catch peoples eye. If i were to do this assignment again i would probably make the assignment longer because i feel that in some parts things progress to fast.


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