Core Competency Goals

-One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is…

Thinking about my goals and what I want my future to look like. This Not only stimulates my imagination but helps me stay in line and disciplined in my school work to get to where I want to be in the future. Though I have a very stimulated imagination I tend to shy off from actually making those dreams come true in the real world, so from now on I need to work on that.

-I show that I value feedback from others in my group by…

Thanking them for their input and seriously considering how I could add their thoughts and considerations to whatever i’m working on. Even though people give me alot of feedback and help, most of the time I just go with the plan I initially had. I feel this is something I need to work on because peoples feedback is actually very important and could potentially help me get a better mark and truly improve my work.

-Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationships are…

By continuously talking with my peers/friends and checking up on their well being. I used to be very good at this but recently I haven’t been checking up on my friends as much as I should. This is due to not seeing them in person as frequently but that isn’t much of an excuse. From now on I will contact my peers/friends more often to help maintain our relationships.


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